My Angel: Chapter 20

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3rd Person POV

Bella let out a breath as she looked at herself in the full body mirror.

It had been a month since Bella returned and she and Caius immediately began planning for their wedding.

During the month Bella and Caius had been kissing and sneaking around like teenagers. Both agreed to wait for sex until their wedding night. Something they both wanted to come sooner rather than later.

Back to Bella. She was in a wedding dress that hugged her curves, it had lace on the arms of the dress and flowed at the bottom.

Her hair was let down in her natural beautiful curls (always remember girls! You are beautiful no matter your skin or hair color! You are beautiful!)

And she was wearing 6 white inch heels with swirls of light silver that matched the silver lace on her dress.

"You look beautiful Bella."

Bella turned to the woman and smiled.

"Thank you Didyme." Bella said as the woman smiled in response

That's right. She was back. While fighting against Asthro Marcus caught the scent of his mate and after killing Asthro he followed it to a room where his mate was chained.

Apparently Asthro took her to take down Marcus.

Marcus, happier than ever, kissed her and brought her home where she immediately bonded with Bella. Since then the two girls have been inseparable.

"Are you ready to get married?"

This came from Rosalie.

After the events, Bella had gotten to know the Cullens again. She had forgiven them and even though their bonds would never be the same, she was happy to be friends with them. Edward though was executed but quickly forgotten.

"I'm ready. Let's get me married." Bella said as stepped out the room towards the doors of the Ball Room in the castle.

Bella stopped when she saw Marcus.

"You look beautiful Isabella." Marcus said before kissing his mate who looked at him with love.

"My dear girl. I was wondering if you would allow me to walk you down the aisle?" Marcus asked as Venom filled in Bella's eyes

"I'd love that Marcus." Bella said as Dyidme walked in with the Cullens before the music started

Bella took Marcus's arm and took a deep breath

"Let's go." Bella said as they walked in.

It was beautiful. The room was beautifully decorated in white and silver, everyone looked amazing and was radiating happiness.

Bella looked at her mate and was taken away at how handsome he looked.

Caius felt the same way. The moment Bella walked in he felt like he was floating. She looked gorgeous in her wedding dress.

As they reached the altar Bella released her hold on Marcus and took Caius's hand.

The music stopped and everyone sat as they looked at the two mates.

"Friends, Family, troublemakers, we are here today to witness the union between Isabella Swan and Caius Voltouri." Aro said as he directed the troublemakers at Felix and Emment who pranked him earlier.

"These two people are mates, eternal lovers always to be together." Aro said as Bella and Caius smiled at each other with so much love it looked painful.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" Aro asked as he smiled when Marcus stepped forward

"I do. And I promise to kill said man if he ever hurts her" Marcus said smiling before walking to where his mate sat, sitting her in his lap as everyone laughed.

"The rings please." Aro said as Jane stepped forward, as the maid of honor.

Caius and Bella held the others rings as they looked to another

"Caius, do you promise to love, cherish, and protect this woman for the rest of your immortal life?" Aro asked as Caius smiled

"I do." Caius said as he slipped a ring onto Bella's finger

"Bella, do you promise to love, cherish, and protect this woman for the rest of your immortal life?" Aro asked as Bella smiled widely

"I do!" Bella said as she slipped the rings onto each other's fingers.

"You may exchange vows" Aro said as Caius spoke

"Isabella, for centuries I have been cold and uncaring. And I never expected to change that until I met you. The day you saved me I began to love you. You were this brave beautiful woman and you were saving me. I'm proud and grateful to call you my mate. And as we live, I will love you more and more. You are my Angel Isabella swan. I love you."

At the end of his speech everyone had venom in their eyes

"Caius, all my life I've been hurt by people. And when I saw you I thought I'd die helping someone. But then you saved me and showed me love. I never thought I'd open my heart again but I did. And I love you for it. I am so happy to call you my mate and soon to be husband. And I promise to always stand by you and always remind you of the amazing man I see when I look into your eyes. I love you Caius Voltouri. Every part of you. The bad and Good. And I always will."

Caius felt venom pool in his eyes as he looked at his mate.

"If no one objects to this union" Aro started as Jane glared at everyone, daring them to speak

"Then by the power vested in me, by the state of California where Marcus made me go, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Aro said as they laughed at his comment to Marcus before smiling at he finished

Caius swept Bella in a hard deep kiss as everyone stood and cheered.

As they broke apart smiling Bella spoke

"I love you." Bella said as Caius smiled

"I love you too." Caius said as he reconnected their lips.


The party following the wedding was a riot. Aro, Emmet, and Felix took over the Karaoke as their mates and friends laughed at their actions. Alice talked fashion with Heidi while Esme, Carlisle, Marcus, and Dyidme let loose and danced.

Bella and Caius spent the party dancing and singing, Emmet claimed it hers as well since it was her wedding, and they spent the party embracing each other.

The wedding had come to end as the vampires all left and Bella and Caius got on a plane.

They had just gotten to Isle Esme where they were alone.

Caius smiled as he held Bella's bridal style and carried her to the main bedroom.

Caius connected their lips as he lay her on the bed, moving his lips down to her as he scraped his teeth against her neck.

Bella moaned at the action and wrapped her arms around him.

"I've been waiting to mark you my Angel." Caius said as Bella smiled

"Mark me. I'm yours, my love."

That was all Caius needed before he ripped off her clothes and made love to her.

The newlyweds spent the night making love until dawn and marked each other's necks, showing their mating mark.

Bella laced naked with Caius as he held her.

"I love you my Angel." Caius said kissing her mark

"I love you my king" Bella said kissing his mark

Both laid there in each other's embraces as Caius purred soothingly to her.

Both had found their peace

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