Chapter 1

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Lapis - x

Each night it is the same dream that captures me, holding me in its bittersweet clutches. It comes in vivid color and feeling, always leaving me breathless when I wake.

The feeling of his fingers running through my hair followed by the desperation of his lips against mine makes my heart grip in a vise. I know why he's doing this. It's the last time I'm ever going to see him.

The rain pours over us without relenting, the cool sensation kissing my burning skin, as he pushes me into the rickety cabin we've called our home for the last few days. He continues to place deliberately slow, meaningful kisses onto my lips as I feel the tears begin to roll down my porcelain face.

"Please take me with you... please don't leave me alone..."

I whisper in between kisses as he presses me against the wall, his forehead resting against mine. His eyes are shut tightly but I can see the conflict in his expression as he exhales sharply. I caress his cheeks, feeling my heart crumbling, but still beating ever strong like a drum.

"Let us focus on what we have right now, Lapis. Let us focus on this."

He hoarsely whispers before capturing my lips once more, this time massaging my lips to grant him access to my tongue, his hands making quick work of the soaked dress clinging to my slender frame. The collective moans of pleasure and passion bleed into the next scene of the dream, the smell of sweat, sea salt, and rosewood being very prominent.

I am sitting alone on the bed, the sun shining in contrast to the pit in my stomach. A single yellow ribbon sits in my hands as I bite my lip hard, the absence of Vergil bringing a deep sorrow. Stupid, foolish girl. Did I really think I was enough to keep him with me?

My cerulean eyes snap open, welcoming the blanket of darkness my room. I unconsciously lift my fingertips to touch the yellow ribbon fastened on my neck, exhaling the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. I turn my head and groan; 3:33 AM. I turn into my pillow, huffing a breath, feeling very, very frustrated. This dream has been occurring more frequently and though I can guess why, I'm tired of seeing Vergil's picturesquely handsome face with the associated pain that feels like it physically burns me whenever I wake.

I close my eyes briefly, remembering the phone call I received while cooking dinner a few weeks ago from a man calling himself "Tony Redgrave." His smooth voice is one of the most vivid things I remember as he mentioned that he had some information on the whereabouts of someone I used to care for deeply and if permitted, could come to my residence to further discuss. When I pried further to test the credibility of the call, because who calls people out of the blue wanting to help them in this day and age, he spoke the name of the man I never truly forgot and held onto deep down; Vergil.

As soon as Tony had mentioned the name, I felt as if time stood still. Of course I wanted to pursue this to understand why the man I had grown to love in such a short time had disappeared without a trace, not realizing the son he had left behind. I recall feeling very conflicted during the call as I would prefer to keep my son out of any business concerning his father, but Syrus is already a grown man and though he never pried to learn about his father, knowing that perhaps they could meet one day made me feel a conflicted peace. He has the right to know where he came from and have the choice to allow that person to be part of his life. Vergil could also be a huge part in helping Syrus with the abilities he's been working on that I can provide little help with. It would also provide me with closure that I struggled with for the past 20 years. I closed the conversation then with Tony saying I would call when I came to a decision and I recall his baritone voice chuckling with the lasting words of "call me whenever, I will be able to help."

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