Chapter 3

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Vergil - x

The passage of time has been immeasurable to me with going each day faithfully to Lapis and Syrus' home in an effort to show my presence and prove to both of them my devotion to my words spoken that day in the backyard. Syrus has maintained a chilly disposition, but over the last few days has been more tolerant of my presence, greeting me with a hello versus a scoff. Lapis has also shown me a gentler side to her once cautious demeanor, one I welcome fully. To feel her subtle touches on my back as she is passing, to see her divine smile that touches her eyes because of me, to hear her melodic laughter in reference to something I have said, to know she feels calm and dare I say safer with my existence in close proximity just by her body language; all of this has me in a more elevated state of mind than I have ever been.

It is when I get the early morning call from Dante as I'm coming out of the shower, drying off my hair, I have a proposition to consider.

"Hey brother, did I wake you?"

"No, what is it?"

"Always straight to the point, haha. So, there's been a rise in some demon activity on the other side of Fortuna island. Nero gave me a shout and wanted to see if we could have all hands on deck. I think I can handle it myself, but wanted to see if you thought it'd be a good idea to bring Syrus. He's been doing great with this training, don'tcha think?"

I pause, my mind already cycling through a multitude of thoughts ranging from battle planning to why demons would be making a sudden rise in that particular area. From what I have been told, the demon portal beneath Fortuna City had been closed with my blade some time ago, leaving it a more benign area than other locations. Though it is not uncommon for demons to rise from time to time, I ponder if there is something else amiss. Yet, it really could just be nothing but an annoyance and coincidence.

"Hmm, I think it would be a good introduction to increase his battle experience. He seems ready for hands-on combat experience," I pause for a moment recalling the last time we sparred, "I do believe he would be fine even going alone with Nero to start. We could follow behind as a backup."

Dante laughs and I can hear his hands clap.

"Well brother, that's the thing. I was thinking you could stay behind with the missus."

I feel my face burn at his select words, scoffing lightly to offset the fact I'm blushing, standing in my room, thinking about spending time alone with Lapis.

"Is that a no or-"
"I did not say that. I am merely amused at the fact you continue to try to wingman me."

I deliberate on the entire situation. Dante would be a support for my sons when it truly should be me, though, I am wondering if that would do more harm than good for me to not be present. Yet, I would get time to spend with Lapis completely alone and be able to connect with her hopefully on a more intimate level. Plus, I could assuage her concerns about the young men going on a mission.

"Dante, let me ask you this. Did you mention this to Lapis?"

"I think that will be in your hands brochacho. Syrus likely told her already this morning, but it doesn't hurt if you reinforce that you'll be spending time together hehe."

"Mm, I see. Thank you for letting me know."

I hang up after a few more minutes of Dante's incessant teasing, deciding how to proceed. The best choice would be to let Syrus go on his first mission with people he has more comfort with. I slip on a loose white shirt as I call Lapis on loud speaker, my lips curling into a smile when I hear her sweet voice.

"Lapis, good morning, I hope I did not wake you."

"Hi Vergil, what a pleasant surprise. You didn't, I was just cooking up breakfast and talking to Syrus about today. He's currently on a run... I won't lie to you and tell you I'm not a little nervous. I know he's a grown man, but."

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