Chapter 5

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Vergil -x

My eyes never leave her sleeping body as I remain at her side, barely moving, just existing. I sit with my elbows on my knees, hands against my chin, pushing up against my mouth in utter silence. It has been three days since we defeated the reapers and she has been sleeping ever since. Syrus informs it is because of her mana being so depleted from summoning Jormund and continuing to deplete after she passed out. When Syrus was able to send Jormund away, it stopped the depletion process.

I crave for her to wake so I can hear her voice again. I crave for her to wake so I can feel her touch again. The hard box in my left pocket is a solid reminder of the promise I made to her several days ago and I just want her cerulean orbs to open and bless me with the relief that she is going to be okay.

I close my eyes tightly, feeling a deep seething anger at my own weakness. No matter the strength I carry in my body, why is it not enough? Why is it never enough?

My mind conjures a memory of the night of the battle, recalling her words before we parted.

"I love you. Be safe. I will be fine too."

I recall the sound of her melodic voice barely higher than a whisper and the feeling of her loving touch made it hard to part from her. In all of my life I have been certain in battle, nothing serving as a distraction from my discipline and craft. Yet, she is the only thing that caused my warrior's spirit to waver, recalling the desire to not let her go and to proceed together in battle. It was at that very moment I realized I was truly where I was meant to be, with Lapis at my side, and the family we created. I bite my lip in frustration now as I sit powerless beside her now, praying for her own body to restore itself quickly.

I think back to right before I made it through the forest, before I stopped her life from being taken. Syrus' voice is still clear as glass, as if we are back in the heat of the moment.

"Shit, if Jormund is out, that means mother is in trouble."

"Hmph," I slash through another reaper, turning my head to the sound of the roar, burying the feeling of uneasiness that arrived with his comment, "well we will just need to hasten our efforts and go to her." My tone came out sharper than I planned, yet, I can feel the building tension due to the loud boom in the near distance, signaling something grand has occurred and we may not have time as a luxury.

"Follow my lead, Syrus."

I hear Syrus' growl and can tell the look on his face alone by the sound, from having been exposed to it many a time whenever I speak anything remotely perceived as a command or order. I feel my jaw clench ever slight as I listen to him.

"Why should I follow you? I am just as capable of leading!"

I turn my icy gaze over to him, snapping the Yamato shut in the hilt. I can feel the ground trembling still from the movement of the dragon and know the more time we waste arguing, the less time there is for Lapis' safety to be guaranteed.

"Because I am your father and your mother needs us right now to work together! I will be damned if I lose her over a fickle discussion. We will proceed with you as the secondary because of how quick you are. They will not see you coming and that element of surprise is key to tipping a battle. Understood?"

I can see Syrus' brow furrow for a moment before he silently nods, likely realizing the foolishness in being so stubborn in his inexperience with battle.

"Also, a warrior is not to be just measured by being the first one to show up, but what kind of presence they bring when they do arrive."

I gesture to begin our journey to Lapis' location, quickly hashing a plan. A pincer is always the best choice, particularly with this sort of foe due to the permeability ability with their fighting style. I try to keep focused running through the trees, not sure what we will find when we emerge. When we do break the tree line, Syrus holding back to wait for my signal, I find myself enraged and for the first time in my life, afraid. I see Lapis kneeling, looking at her attacker without any fear, yet I can see the pain in her eyes that she is likely trying to hide. My eyes glance to the cottage and I see what I believe is Jormund wrapped around the cottage in a defensive position; of course she would prioritize the others over her own health.

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