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The days passed by and the twins went back to the future. With the Black Dragon situation being dealt with, Takemichi was sure that everything would be fixed. Danny, being the skeptical type, had her doubts though. Yes, she hoped that everything would work out like they hoped, but she had a feeling that they wouldn't. After all, you can start a group with nothing but the purest intentions, but as it grows, the darkness is sure to swallow it whole.

When she finally felt the jolt of being sent back to the future, she found herself at her desk. Her same old drawing-filled desk. Unfinished sketches, inked pages, and oddly designed notebooks were strewn across it without rhyme or reason. A small smile made its way to her face at the sight. Then, her gaze wandered to the back corner of her desk where a small 3-drawer organizer sat with a framed photo on top of it. She gingerly took the picture and smiled at the memory from just a few days ago. Before Takemichi had sent them back here, they met up with the guys again. Starting from the back row on the left side were Mitsuya and Hakkai standing together. Then Baji stood between her and Chifuyu, his arms on their shoulders as he had that trademark grin. In the front, Draken kneeled in front of Mitsuya and Mikey stood in front of the trio. Last but not least, Takemichi was stumbling into the frame, which made them all smile in the photo.

She let out a small chuckle at the memory as she set the frame back in place. As soon as she had set it down, her phone began blaring music. She took the device out of her pocket and shut off the alarm before seeing the reminder, making her eyes widen. "Mitsuya's... Funeral..." she read aloud in disbelief. Mitsuya's dead...? she asked herself before seeing the location and time listed. It was already going on, but it was just around the corner from her place.

Confused and shocked, she decided against going. Mitsuya was one of her friends, but she needed to know why. Why did he die? Did someone kill him? Or was it an accident? Had the same happened with the others? She needed to know what happened. With a new goal in mind, she stood and went out her back door into her yard. Sitting a few feet from the patio area was a small shed that came with the place. She dug her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the padlock.

The door creaked when she pushed it open. Once she turned the light on, dust from not using it in so many months clouded her vision. The building was barely 3 by 3 meters with no windows but plenty of shelves. Overhead was a small loft filled with various electronics that she had used for practice when she began learning how to clean and fix things. The walls on her left and right were in a similar state with old junked computers, monitors, speakers, boxes of cords, and cellphones filling the shelves. On the far wall, just a few feet in front of her, sat a dusty wooden desk with only a laptop and mouse sitting on top of it while an old torn swivel chair sat in front of it. Didn't think I'd be using this any time soon, she thought to herself as she stepped in and closed the door behind her, sending the dust particles spiraling. With a few creaks of the floorboards, she walked to the desk and sat down in the chair, sending dust pluming around her, almost choking her for a moment. Once the dust settled down, she wiped off her laptop and opened it, wiping off the keys and screen too. 

After powering it on and checking all of the settings, making adjustments here and there, she opened the browser and typed in the random link that she had ingrained into her memory. Even after about a year of not using this, she knew exactly what she needed to do. It was second nature at this point.

Within an hour, she found out that Mitsuya, Draken, Chifuyu, Kisaki, and even Baji along with all of the other major members of Toman had been murdered. Murdered by the one person she didn't think could do such things. Mikey.


"This is it," Takemichi said to Naoto as they stood in front of his sister's house. Or at least what he hoped was still her house. 

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