1. Brunch Talk

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The live studio audience full of hasty, ambitious, and mostly single women erupts when their favorite five foot - seven inch author, proudly steps onto the stage.

Chants of Olivia can be heard from the lot, if you just so happened to be taking a stroll through Warner Brother's studio today.

"Give it up, yall!" The host yells as music inspires her to wiggle.

Olivia doesn't dance, instead she makes eye contact with as my people in the audience as she possibly can before her eyes slightly gloss in appreciation.

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart," she tells them with sincerity, knowing they only have her mouth to read.

She feels a gentle tap to her shoulder and it prompts her to turn to the show's host, Shelly, to meet for the very first time.

"I'm a huge fan. Your book changed my life."

Olivia squeezes a little tighter. The same way she does every single person who tells her that they've read her book.

"Thank you. And I'm a huge fan of yours as well. I love this show." She responds genuinely.

Their moment comes to an end as show time begins and the audience settles while they take their seats on stage.

"Yall I'm so excited to have the hottest author in the world on my couch," Shelly shouts and a few whistles, claps, and cheers erupt from the audience in agreement. "How does it feel to have the bestselling book in the United States? And you're as high as number five in every other country it's sold, by the way!"

Olivia's clear caramel skin and silky dark flowing hair radiates as her cheeks turn red as fire in excitement of the mere fact that not one but thousands of people bought her book in one single week. And they've continued buying it for six consecutive weeks.

"I'm at a loss for words, honestly."

"Girl, that's because you put them all in this book!" Shelly yells and the audience chuckles. "No, seriously. You're shattering records, mama!"

"Thank you all! Literally, wrote this as a response to a series of bad breakups, horrible dates, and poor decisions. I didn't know it was going to become this——"

"Olivia, it is being hailed, on the internet, as 2024's women's handbook to life."

She giggles. "It started as just a journal for myself. But during brunch with
friends, many of the stories in the journal turned into talking points. So I began writing more and more."

"And now 'Brunch Talk: A Women's Guide to Happiness' is not only at your brunch table, but the beauty shops, the grocery stores, the coffee shops, and anywhere else women converse." Shelly adds.

"I still can't believe it," Olivia admits as Shelly looks at her to elaborate. "Some people don't know that this is my third published book. My first, maybe had 200 sales in the first week of release and the second release had a solid six hundred. I was really excited about that just a year ago."

"Wow! But look at you now!" Shelly comments and the audience claps. "You're a global writer with a whole lot of impact on women around the world. How does that feel?"

"I fully embrace it. It feels so amazing to know women relate to my stories. And they also desire happiness similar to me."

"No girl! We demand it happiness! Just like you said in step four of your guidelines!" Shelly politely interrupts and Olivia smiles as she remembers the words of her very own book.  "Now can you walk us through the process of writing a bestseller?"

"Sure. This book came from a real place. That date, in the beginning of the story, where I paid the hundred dollar tab, was very much my experience just a few years ago. I had written it down, and tried to forget about it. However, that experience was followed by the experience I had in a club when a guy had the bartender take me off of his drink tab, when I didn't accept his invitation to leave with him."

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