★- stop -★

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Minho's pov

It was past seven and I'm in the library with Mona and Zuki, we were reading books about plants.

Suddenly the door opened.

And I knew.





"Sir, Mr. Han Jisung requests you in your room right now" they bowed and left the library.

"Children, I'll be back tomorrow" I shakily stood up and waved goodbye to Zuki and Mona.

Puzzled faces went on there faces, they waved goodbye back to me.

I left the library, now preparing for the worst, I fiddled with my fingers. I wouldn't cry, no crying....

My trembling hands hold the doorknob, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I stepped in and heard the door closes, chills went down my spine as I felt his hot breath near my neck.

Then a whip went to my back.

I fell down to my knees as whips continue on my back, they were never ending.

This time I didn't cry, I know what will happen and I was prepared.

"My my, kitten isn't crying anymore?" He chuckled and slapped my across the face.

Blood trickled down my back, "get up" I shakily got up, a pool of blood created underneath me.

Jisung, knife in hand slashed my face, I didn't expect this move, I screamed in pain as he kept slashing me with his knife. I didn't cry tho....

When it felt like hours, he stopped and looked at me in disgust, laying on the ground, broken.

Then I was met with a kick in the stomach.

I couldn't process anything anymore, everything hurts.

Bruises and broken bones littered my body, blood all over my body as it dirtied the carpet.

I opened my eyes and saw Jisung holding a teapot, I tilted my head to the side when I suddenly realized what he was about to do.

I then felt hot water being poured at my legs up to my thighs, I whimpered in pain. I didn't cry...

The pouring of hot water didn't stop until I felt numb at my lower body.

Jisung then shattered the teapot on me, I yelped in pain, he scoffed.

He tugged my hair to make me look at his eyes, "do you fucking think we're done?" Jisung took a nearby candle and poured the wax at my already bruised chest.

I screamed, I now tried to get out of his hold, but he was to strong, he laughed as I wiggled out of his hold.

Jisung slapped me and took my wrist to make me sit down at the bed.

Blood soaked the bed, "you made a mess..." I felt numb, it was like I'm back at chapter 1.

He carefully removed my clothes and picked me up to go at the bathroom. Oh please it's not another punishment...

Jisung carefully placed my at the warm steaming water in the tub, I relaxed for a bit when it suddenly hit me, why is he doing this?

He scrubbed my back, he chuckled at what he did to my beautiful body, of course he did not have mercy on me and didn't care about the wounds, bruises and scars on my back and kept scrubbing harshly.

I grabbed the sides of the tub, trying not to cry out the pain. Don't cry...

After we were done, Jisung changed me to a new set of clothes, I couldn't take it anymore, I suddenly black out. Pain, pain, pain.


I couldn't move, my aching body doesn't want me to move, Jisung requested the maid for me to have breakfast in bed.

He kept reading his book beside me as I fiddled with my fingers, it's like he didn't do what he did last night.

The maid came with a fluffy pancakes with whipped cream and blueberries on top.

I whimpered in pain as I tried to move my arm to eat, he noticed this, Jisung picked up the spoon and fed me.

I suddenly got hold on the spoon and tried to take the spoon out of his hold, I yelp in pain as I tried to take it.

"Let me feed you kitty, you aren't in a good condition" he told me and kept feeding me. You did this to me...

I couldn't say anything, so I let him feed me. I wanna leave here...


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