★- tell me -★

568 26 12

This chapter is gonna be wholesome or something sooo

Siri play tell me by wonder girls
TW: bruise

Minho's pov

"Hey guys!" I waved to them as they arrived at his house, "hiya Minho!" They waved back.

"Felix isn't here and I'm bored, that's why I wanted you guys to come" I smiled brightly at Seungmin and Hyunjin.

"Well, wanna bake? I heard Jeongin and the others will come soon, so I want to make something special" Seungmin beaned, we both agreed and decided on what we'll bake.

"Hmm, maybe banana bread!" Hyunjin said, "how about cheesecake?" Seungmin offered.

I was still looking for options to bake, but there was a lot, "what about cinnamon rolls?" I offered.

They nodded eagerly, we all settled with cinnamon rolls, Seungmin took out the ingredients, Hyunjin was washing his hands while I took out the materials for cooking.

Not even an hour later we started it was already a mess.

"Guys! Kneed the dough!" Seungmin yelled as he prepared the glaze, me and Hyunjin were bickering about what topping to use.

"Chocolate chips!" Hyunjin said, "I want sprinkles tho!" Seungmin sighed, "guys how about we can put both?"

We all agreed to that idea, now me and Hyunjin are kneading the dough.


We finished cleaning the kitchen and added the topping to the cinnamon rolls.

Just in time they arrived, we immediately dusted off the powder we had in our face and body.

"Mhmm! It smells good in here!" Changbin exclaimed, we chuckled, Seungmin then served the cinnamon rolls.

They were too sweet because of the sprinkles and chocolate chips but it was overall tasty!

"You did great" Felix said as he took another bite out of the roll, I smiled.


We waved goodbye to them as they left, it was past 8.

I then noticed something on Felix's face, I cupped my hand on his face and made him face me, I was shocked at what I saw.

A bruise, I hugged fucking bruise on his cheek and a few small ones at his forehead, I caressed it and looked at him worriedly.

"Who did this to you?" I asked, "it's no one kitty, don't worry" he assured me, I definitely could tell something was wrong.

The nickname....

I shook my thoughts off and focused on him, "tell me" I looked at him, he sighed, "it was-"

"Sir Lee, someone important wants to call you, he said it was urgent" a maid said from the distance, he kissed my forehead and left without saying a word.

I was left dumbfounded, who the hell would do that?

It's been days since I have been recovering.

The nickname. The nickname that he said.

Don't think of him!

I closed my eyes and exhaled, I left the hallway and went back to my room.

It was beautiful, many bookshelves were placed on the wall, I sat down on the table near my window.

Seeing the city lights shimmer on the night, cars moving, couples and friends walking and having fun.

My reflection was shown at the window, a bright and beautiful boy.

I took the book near me and began to read.

"She was happy, she had hope, she will and will be having a happy ending"



"If I didn't see Minho at the park next week, you will and have a bullet in your fucking head" Jisung said.

The call ended, Felix clenched his fist, he has to think. Think.

"Jisung is too powerful" he whispered and looked at the city lights.

"I'm making sure he has a happy ending"





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