★- I'm here -★

637 28 47





Minho's pov

Felix gave me one of us pajamas, it was a nice silk button up pajama.

I thanked him and rushed to his bathroom, I splashed my face with cold water and looked at myself.

Tell me, am I dreaming?

I sighed and smiled to myself, "it isn't a dream..." I whispered, a knock came from the door, "yeah?"

"Just wanna check up on you, hope you're doing fine" Felix shouted at the other side of the door, I chuckled, "I am, don't worry" I assured him.

I took a deep breath and left the bathroom, I saw Felix reading a book on the bed, he pushed his round-frame glasses at his face as he kept reading, I made a small smile.

"I'm done" I told him as I approached him, "that's good" he smiled.

I sat next to him, I looked at what he was reading, glimpsing a bit of the sentence.

"His death slowly killed her, she asked herself everyday, if he was still alive"

"His death slowly killed her, she asked herself everyday, if he was still alive...."

We both said, we looked at each other and smiled, "she cried, hoping that it was all a dream..." I read the next sentence of that.

I didn't notice that he kept looking at me with admiration.

"Didn't know you we're a book worm too..." Felix said, I looked back at him, "well, I thought you we're all about fashion and all that"

We both chuckled, finding it amusing.

He sighed, "I missed you..." he told me, I nodded and leaned my head at his shoulder, "me too"

It was just like that, a calming silence of us two, it felt... nice.

Then I fell into a deep sleep.

"He kept dancing into his madness"


I was reading a book next to the clear glass window, it felt warming, calming.

I exhaled and smiled, looking at the cars and kids having fun.

I'm finally free, free, free.

"Minho, lunch is ready" I heard one of his maids said, I got up from where I was sitting and followed her to the dining room.

I saw Felix having a nice talk with the butler, I smiled at them and plopped down next to him.

"Oh hello Minho, how was the book?" He asked, "it was fine, if only it wasn't a bad ending..." I sighed.

"Hmm, well shall we eat?" I nodded and took variety of foods.

Breakfast was great, we talked and laughed, the food was incredible even.

I felt free from the chains that held me down.



It was already evening and Jeongin, Hyunjin, Chan, Changbin and Seungmin are here, we were playing bored games a few hours ago, now we're watching a movie.

It feels nice, hanging out with friends.

Jeongin is cuddled up next to Hyunjin at the couch, Chan, Chanbin and Seungmin are all cuddled too, with Chan resting his head next to Seungmin and Changbin holding his hand.

Me and Felix are at the bed, laying down as we watched the movie.

I exhaled, I looked at them, they all seemed happy, content.

After the movie ended we all basically ended up on the floor, "Guys! Let's play Spin the bottle!" Seungmin exclaimed.

We all agreed, "I'll spin the bottle!" Changbin immediately grabbed it and spun it.

It landed on me and Felix.

They all squealed, I blushed furiously, while he chuckled at me.

He immediately went to my side, I looked at his plump lips.


He then ever so slowly put his lips into mine, I didn't stop him, I never stopped him.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like hours, he carefully removed his lips out of mine.

Felix smiled and went back to his position, of course the people there were screaming and squealing all together.

I was star struck.


I couldn't process anything, I shook my head and looked at the other people who were now spinning the next bottle.

It landed on Jeongin and Hyunjin.

We all cooed, "the love birds!" Seungmin yelled.

That night was a night I will never forget, ever, all the laughs, smiles, kisses....

I sighed and chuckled as they kissed.


No one's pov

"Where the fuck is he?" Jisung, was freaking the fuck out.

He shouldn't have let the collar and leg chain out.

"Find him! I don't care just find him!" Jisung told the guards.

"Baby, maybe he's just somewhere-" Mowra tried to assure him, but it was no use, "shut it Mowra" he snarled at him and slammed the door.

"I swear, Lee fucking Felix, if I found him at your grasps" he slammed his office table.

"I'll fucking kill you"






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