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Pearl leaned in closer to Steven, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you have the goods?"

"Yeah! Garnet, can you check if she'll like it?" Steven asked her, the bag hanging in his arm.

"She'll love it, don't worry," Garnet reassured him with a gentle nod and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"Hey, guys!" You descended the stairs, taking them by surprise. "What's up?"

Panicking, Steven quickly concealed the bag behind his back, and Garnet looked uneasy but managed to position herself between you and Steven. Pearl, however, straight, or gay out shouted, "Nothing! Don't look at him! No! No! Go away!"

"Woah, okay, chill," you backed off scared. "What's the deal with you guys? Are you all hiding dru-?" And were promptly interrupted.

Pearl hurriedly covered Steven's ears with her hands. "Not in front of the child!" she exclaimed, and Garnet approached you.

She stood imposingly in front of you, her tall stature making you feel small and insignificant. Then adjusted her shades and, in her captivating voice, suggested, "Let's talk outside."

You stood there in shock, stunned into silence for several seconds. By the time you realized it, you were already outside, with Garnet standing before you, arms crossed. "Wait... Did you just talk to me?"

She arched an eyebrow, puzzled by your question. "Yes, I did. And I will continue to do so," she said, her voice serious, although her expression betrayed a hint of curiosity.

"So... Can I ask you something?" you inquired with stars in your eyes.

"Sure. Go ahead," her tone shifted to a more receptive one, even though her face remained stoic.

"Who are Ruby and Sapphire? Are they your friends? Are they top secret agents?" And one question came quickly after another, then the next one leading another, thus creating a loop that was seemingly overwhelming her.

Garnet facepalmed with a growl. "I told Pearl not to tell you!" She muttered to herself before addressing you, "I will not tell you."

"Aw, come on! Don't be like that," you protested, then feeling that you'd already made some progress with her talking to you, maybe you shouldn't be asking for more.

"I said no, and that's final," she replied firmly. She glanced inside and realized that Steven and Pearl were no longer in the kitchen. She opened the Beach House's door and walked inside, leaving you standing there alone. What was her problem?

About an hour later, Steven taught you a combo move that you had struggled to figure out. "Wow, I didn't even know you could press the joystick, it's like another button!" you exclaimed as you both chuckled.

"See? It wasn't so hard to accept my help," he teased, nudging you playfully.

"What were you guys talking about earlier that I couldn't know?" you suddenly asked, causing Steven's expression to become uneasy.

"Uh... You'll have to wait a bit longer, but not too long, I promise," he said, pausing long enough for you to sigh tiredly before continuing. "What did you and Garnet talk about?"

You gave him a neutral glance and shrugged. "Eh, I asked her something, she got mad at Pearl, then we came back inside," you rested your arms behind you, lifting your face to look at him. "I don't think she likes me."

Steven agressivly shook his head. "No way, she cares way too much about you. She was probably just stressed about... Uh, something. I get you, I totally get you, I also thought she didn't like me a bunch of years ago, you just need to get her to open up to you, 'cause she is so loving and so caring on the inside, you just need to try again," he rested a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks, Bubba. I mean, at least I know she doesn't hate me, she's the reason I'm living with y'all after all," you returned his caring gaze.

"Yeah, about that, how are you feeling about it? You can talk to us, you know," he said and you giggled, trying to weight down the situation.

"Yeah, I guess I'll have to visit pops someday," you smiled to try to focus yourself in something else.

"Your birthday is not so far away. I know he did some bad stuff, but I think everyone deserves a second chance, and I'm sure he'll love to see you," you smiled warmly at Steven before giving the same mannered hug. He returned it at the moment.

"Why are you more mature than me? I'm older than you!," you teased, ruffling his hair with your fist, causing him to laugh.

"I had my problems too, but eventually you get over them, just talk to the right people," he smiled again, but with a much weaker grin.

"Are you suggesting I have to talk again to the oh-so-loving Garnet? C'mon, it was written in her face she wanted to punch me," you pulled away from the hug, curious to see Steven's reaction.

"Aw, don't be like that, and just so you know, she is more loving than you could ever  imagine!" He nudged you yet again, this time a little stronger, making you complain

"Hey!" You exclaimed, rubbing your arm. "That was uncalled for! And besides, what is she? A love expert or something?" You laughed.

He opened his eyes widely, as if not expecting that answer at all. "Oh, boy. If you only knew."

"What?" You were definitely not expecting that follow up. "What do not I know?"

Steven's face went pale, "I... Uh..." Suddenly his phone rang and he answered at the second. "Yes! Connie! At the park right this instant! Yes!" And he ran downstairs, making you chase after him.

"Wait! Don't leave! So I'm supposed to ask Garnet now?! You're the worst!" You were barely six feet away from him, he still ignored you and ran through the house door as if nothing.

"But Garnet is so not nice to talk to!" You grunted to yourself, burying your face in your palms.

The slightest cough got all your body malfunctioning. Oh, frog. Garnet heard you.

You slowly turned around, adopting Steven's expression from just seconds ago, and saw Garnet standing behind you, her arms, as usual, crossed. "I beg your pardon."

You were literally shaking, "G-Garnet," you stuttered. Her ominous manner persisted as she tilted her head to the front. "I- I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about a rock that I found because I talk to rocks and-" and that just made it even weirder.

"I know perfectly well when you're lying or not. And if my lack of communication towards you had driven you that far..." She stopped in her tracks, realizing she changed the subject. "But it was you who stated just seconds ago did not want to talk with me."

"I mean... Just hours ago you actually talked to me for the first time, and your faced clearly said 'I am angry let me punch your face', that's not something that tells me I should continue the conversation," you scoffed as admiring her unmoving assertion.

She contemplated you for a few moments before answering. "I didn't want to punch you, maybe Pearl- Okay I wouldn't actually punch Pearl, I wouldn't punch any of you, but you know what I mean. And I did talk to you... Way before that." She tilted her head, her arms staying together.

"Oh, yeah? When?" You inquired in a rather incredulous tone.

She took more time that usual to answer. "Well, now that I think about it, anytime I shared a word with you before, you weren't actually conscious," she untied her hands to newly rest them on her hips.
"I did save your but lots of times. Although Steven keeps the record."

You chose to ignore what you just heard, as it made the situation even more uncomfortable. "So you're actually going to tell me about Ruby and Sapphire or-" you stopped once you were interrupted.

"That's still a no," and with a turn in her heel, she walked off the conversation... Again. That woman was so complicated!

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