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"Are you going to visit your father, then?"

It had been a week since you all went back to the temple, and Steven couldn't be any more annoying.

"I told you already I don't know," you muffled against his pillow.

He clicked his tongue and continued playing. You then heard him close the game and open another one. That music...

You put away your face from the pillow and turned to the TV. "Are you-?"

"Yes. And I'm going to beat you," oh no he didn't. He might win you on the brawl games, but he absolutely couldn't win you at 'Cesario Motorbike 9 deluxe'.

"I'm tired, not dumb," you aggressively took another remote.

The character selection screen was always a battle; your favorite character was the same, and only the fastest one could have it.

"And that's how you do it," you teased as you selected it. You hadn't even started to play, and yet you already felt victorious.

He scoffed. "I'm choosing the track, then."

What a horrible mistake you had made. He chose 'Ice Ice Mountain', the worst track ever invented.

"You didn't," you wanted to groan, but what he did was fair.

"Let's see who wins," he avoided the subject by pressing 'GO'.

Your least favorite tracks were the lava and the ice tracks. Not only did the themes lack imagination, but they were awfully complicated as well.

The only one you ever liked was one you had played years ago at a friend's house. It was a mix between Ice and Fire by sections, and that was so good and enjoyable that you even changed your mind for some days before returning to your cranky thoughts.

Anyways, that was not the case there; the track you were playing with Steven was just... awful.

"I'm hating you forever," you muttered when he threw a Banana Peel just in front of you.

"You know you won't," he smiled, and you scoffed. Steven was all the way winning, but in the end, he paused just enough for you to pass him, and you ended up winning. "See?"

You smiled, shaking your head and taking a deep breath. "C'mere." You opened your arms.

You hugged him ever so tightly. Of course, he could be annoying, but he was Steven, and it was impossible to be mad at him.

"Okay, maybe I am going to visit my father. And yes, you can come," you whispered into his ear.

You both were playing a board game on the couch. "This time, no cheating," you said in a cold voice.

"Hey!" He protested with a smile, making you show yours as well. "Well, no need to," within a second, he moved a piece. You had to check the board multiple times to confirm what you had just seen.

"Wh-what?!" You put your hands behind your head and lied on the couch. "It's impossible to win like this."

Then the temple door opened, showing Amethyst on her way to grab a snack. She noticed the both of you and walked closer. "Whatcha fighting about?" In a jump, she sat next to you, wrapping a lazy arm around your shoulder.

"I won, and that's it, nothing to discuss," Steven crossed his arms over his chest, smiling proudly.

Amethyst turned to you with a cocky glance. "No worries, we'll team up and beat 'm!"

"Oh! That's a good idea! I'll call the Gems so we can all play together!" Steven exclaimed.

Within just a few minutes, everyone was gathered together.

"Anyways, let's form teams," you said, sitting straighter on the couch.

"Yeah! Any suggestions, guys?" Steven asked, turning to the Gems.

None of them answered. Amethyst then wrapped a playful arm around your shoulder and opened her mouth to say something. Before she could, you spoke up.

"I think we should do humans against Gems, clearly with Steven counting as human. And Garnet, you can go with yourself." Your comment made everyone chuckle, except Amethyst, who seemed disappointed.

"Any complaints?" Steven glanced through the group, and nobody replied. "Then let's do it."

Steven sat next to you in the center of the couch, Amethyst and Pearl next to him, and Garnet to your left.

In the decisive point of the game, Garnet was winning, probably because she could see the future. It was up to you and Steven to at least top Pearl and Amethyst.

"What should I do?" You whispered to Steven, shuffling the cards in your hands.

Steven shook his head; it didn't make sense. Glancing around the room, Amethyst and Pearl were focused on your move, and Garnet rested her chin on her hand.

You looked closer; two of her fingers were resting on her lips, while the rest of them she hid.

You returned your gaze to the cards you were holding. You counted two positions to the left; that card didn't seem appropriate for the game. You tried counting two places to the right, looking at the board again, it made sense.

"Catch," you declared, placing it on the table.

Not only Steven, but Amethyst and Pearl had their eyes as wide as plates as they read what was showing in front of them. Pearl checked her cards and the board multiple times as Amethyst groaned.

"And release!" Steven exclaimed, seeing that Pearl's choice had lost.

You and Steven won the game, with Garnet finishing second and Pearl and Amethyst in last place with 59 points.

"I don't even understand this game," Pearl mumbled as she saw the results.

"The point is we had a great time," Steven happily said, turning to the rest.

"I also did not get a thing, but I guess I had fun," you replied, resting your head in your fist.

Shortly after, you and Steven were the only ones left on the couch, cleaning up as talking.

"You two can't go tomorrow. In any case, you better wait at least a month," Garnet's voice suddenly rang out. You and Steven turned to your left to see her lying against the stove.

"What do you mean?" Steven inquired, both of you leaving everything on the table.

She turned to you. "Look, I think it's really nice of you to want to visit your father; I get that." She inhaled, clenching her fists. "It's not safe, not yet. I'm asking you to wait."

Your face dropped; she couldn't be serious. You had to visit your dad on your birthday; he deserved it, as you did too. "But, Garnet-"

She interrupted you. "Please, I can't risk you." She then looked at Steven. "Don't get into any trouble."

"It's not fair; a visit can't harm us, can it?" Steven defended you.

"Didn't you learn your lesson last time I told you not to go somewhere?" Garnet crossed her arms over her chest. "I- I can't tell you why you can't go, but you need to trust me, please."

You moved your gaze to the floor. You thought she had changed, but she still was that party ruiner that made everyone stay quiet at you. Why did your crushes always have something against you?

"Okay," you muttered, you were clearly lying. Garnet tried to convince herself you weren't, she wanted to trust you.

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