It's been a pleasure

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"Help me clean up," you told Steven and he quickly rose from his seat, joining you on washing the plates.

"They were amazing," he mentioned, alluding to the breakfast.

"Not as amazing as you," you replied, eliciting a chuckle from him.

Everything was cleaned, and you were off to a day of relax, which you started by playing Lewis Cousins I Deluxe.

"Remember, this is co-operative, not competitive," he repeated.

You scoffed. "Yeah, you wish."

Because instead of helping him, you just speeded up to the end of the level.

"Why would I think this time it'd be different?" He sighed.

That's when you heard the temple door open. Both you and Steven gazed down to see Pearl and Garnet discussing yet again.

"You can't do that!" Pearl protested.

Garnet grunted. "I know what I saw. So I'm staying here."

"This is not how humans work, you'd know that if Steven wasn't a piece of pie, and actually acted like a rebel teen. We used to be rebel, don't you remember how fun it was?" She walked towards Garnet with her hand on her chest.

Garnet sat down on the couch. "Those times ended. Now we're free to live here, now we don't have to fight anyone. It wasn't fun, it was stressful, it was depressing, and it was horrible for Steven to live as a kid. Growing up without a mother, and a sometimes present father, it is not fun."

Pearl sighed and sat down as well. "I don't much, you're right, but controlling someone is never the solution. Try to talk about this, okay?" She patted Garnet's knee, which she didn't seem to enjoy by throwing her that look. Pearl ultimately retreated, because when Garnet was focused on something, it was impossible to get her out of it.

"Do you think we should do something about it?" Steven whispered to you, your eyes were still glued to Garnet.

"I think I should do something about it. You stay here." You ruffled his hair before returning him the controller and walking down the stairs.

Garnet clearly saw you, she saw everything that would happen in that instance, or at least she thought she did.

Truth is, you didn't want to cause any trouble, you just wanted to visit your old man, but she couldn't tell you why you couldn't? It's stupid, not her, of course, but that is stupid.

"Hey," you muttered. "Mind if I take a seat?"

She moved to her right, leaving a perfect spot for you.

You sat down to realize she didn't leave much space between the two of you, making your knees touch.

"I do care about all of you." You said all of the sudden. "I'm sorry if it doesn't feel like it."

She turned to you, and you couldn't read her expression with such big shades on. "I know you do."

You didn't know why you did it, but you did. You extended your arms to reach her, and took her visor off.

What did she use her goggles for? Excellent question, she needs them to focus. Ruby and Sapphire are such a powerful mix that they can't use the future vision without it getting super difficult, but underneath the shades they get the peace need to do so.

So what you did, taking her shades off, was also taking her most valuable ability away.

But that was the price to pay, how could you admire her three stunning eyes otherwise?

"You shouldn't hide them," you mentioned, alluding to her eyes.

"And you've got no idea what you're talking about." Maybe that would've sounded rude if she had her visors on, but it didn't, it didn't feel like she was mocking you because you weren't paying attention. Every single piece of you was admiring and adoring her beautiful eyes.

"I don't, but who cares?" You leaned closer.

She shook her head. "I care if it affects me, or my family."

"Well, this is affecting me, for the best." You also scooted closer.

"But I still want them back," she extended her hand.

You got out of whatever trance you were in by shaking your head and giving them back.

She put them on and her usual cold manner examined every single inch of your face. "Next time, it wouldn't hurt to ask."

"Can I kiss you?"

She said that it wouldn't hurt to ask, so you did. But that question wasn't something she expected, not after you took off her shades, did you know about it and did it?

She stood in her place.

"Please?" You added.

Garnet didn't know what to do, how would Ruby and Sapphire feel about that? Because, truly all she ever wanted was to kiss you as well.

She moved a hand forward, then retreated it, then put it back out. What was she supposed to do?

"Please, it'll be quick." You insisted.

She ended up nodding, making you grin.

You took your hands to her rosy cheeks, smiling as you felt your lips against hers.

She didn't move at first, then she felt how you slid your hands down her arms, taking them to your waist.

She obliged and took hold of your hips while you moved your fingers to her neck.

You could feel she was getting more comfortable each second, so you moved your lips.

She reciprocated, and you started kissing properly.

She moved her hands up your waist and pulled you closer. You had, in fact, lied about the duration of that kiss successfully.

You leaned back as she did forward. Her lips tasted amazing but you pondered on taking it further. Of course, that wasn't on you to decide.

Because moved you, making your back face the couch as she sat you on top of her.

You felt her lips going to your cheek, to then descend to your jawline.

You knew exactly what she wanted to do, so you laid your head back and exposed all of your neck to her.

She smiled and took her lips down there, kissing around, not biting, not licking, not sucking, just tasting.

And you thank that she did because you weren't in the mood to explain any hickeys to the gems later.

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