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12:06 pm - Noon

Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes. The past few days with the Gems had felt like torture compared to what was happening now.

"See? It wasn't so bad to wait!" Steven exclaimed as he hugged you tightly.

"It really wasn't, bubba," you replied, then turned around to look for the Gems. "I need to thank them too," you said and broke the hug.

"I hope you're having a fantastic time!" Pearl exclaimed as you approached the three of them.

"You can't even imagine. Thank you all so much!" You replied, hugging her tightly.

"I want a hug too!" Amethyst shouted, and you obliged, giving her a tight squeeze.

Garnet crossed her arms and gave you a challenging gaze. You chuckled and also went to hug her.

Your cheeks flushed bright red due to the closeness of your face to her chest. She held you so tight it felt overwhelming. "And there are still more surprises to come," she whispered before kissing your forehead softly.

09:09 am - Morning

"Wake uppp!" Steven jumped onto your bed, urging you to move.

You groaned tiredly. "I'm trying to sleep." You buried your face in your pillow.

"But it's your birthday! We've got to have breakfast together and wish you a happy birthday! And give you your presents!" He persisted. When did he become so annoying?

"Just give me five more minutes," you mumbled.

"Okay..." He sighed, leaving you alone in the room.

17:01 - Evening

Tears welled up in your eyes as you hugged Steven tightly. "You guys are the best. I'm sorry I don't tell you that more often."

It was the best birthday gift you'd ever received. You stopped the car next to the barn, and everyone got out.

Steven hugged you again, with the Gems watching closely behind. "So, do you have any special plans?" Amethyst asked, her back against the door.

"I'll use it to go to college," you answered, returning the hug to Steven. "I already found a part-time job to pay for it. I'll start when summer ends," you ruffled Steven's hair.

"Oh, how marvelous. I'm sure you'll be one heck of a student!" Pearl said, moving her arm joyfully.

"She will be," Garnet reassured with a smile, a glint shining in her visors. Her comment elicited giggles from everyone listening.

13:07 - Afternoon

"It's present time!" Steven exclaimed from the table once you all finished eating.

"Okay, okay. Just wait a moment," Bismuth said, walking to the other side of the field.

"When will I get that birthday present?" You asked, in general, but looking at Garnet specifically since she made the promise.

"Don't worry, we'll have a chat once this day ends," Garnet, with her usual stoic demeanor, replied calmly.

"What's that present?" Amethyst asked, Pearl sharing her puzzled expression.

"Now we want to know what's going on!" Steven banged his palms on the table.

"You'll know, but not now," Garnet responded and sat up. "We also want to give you this," she pointed at the bag next to Pearl.

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