Chapter 1

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It was a quiet day in the butterfly mansion

Aoi Kanzaki was in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the demon slayers. As she was cutting onions she felt her eye begin to swell, quiet footsteps were in the room; she was used to this kind of behaviour coming from three demon slayer in particular; Inosuke Hashibira, Tanjiro Kamado, and Zenitsu Agatsuma

Aoi refused to turn around "If you're hungry then you'll wait for lunch" she said sternly, not knowing entirely who was behind her

"Aoi-san, I wasn't here to steal food, so don't worry" Tanjiro said with a polite smile on his face

She turned around to look at the red haired boy "Did Nezuko-san's box break again?"Despite being a polite boy, Tanjiro was sometimes careless in battle; with both his sword and his sister's box.

"No, I was just going to ask about Inosuke" he replied nervously,

Aoi turned around instantly "What, did he get hurt?"

"No, I just wanted to ask why you seem to favor him so much"

"Favor him?" she repeated strongly

"You seem to take more extensive care of him when he's here" Tanjiro commented

"Inosuke-san is more reckless than you are, it's normal for me to take more time with him" she said, hoping Tanjiro wouldn't see the blush on her face

"He seems to like you a lot as well"


"You and Kocho-sama are the only people he never fails to remember the names of" Tanjiro commented

Aoi blushed immensely at this statement "Kocho-sama is very good at caring for him, he's definitely taken a liking to her. And Aoi is a very short name, it must be easier for him to remember"

Tanjiro exhaled "He talks about you periodically as well"

Aoi began to get irritated at this "What is your point, may I ask?"

Tanjiro laughed "I'm saying this because Kanroji-san told me the two of you were 'meant to be'"

Aoi turned around at him "Love pillar-sama can overthink things at times" she saw an opportunity "Besides, if she were going to call two people in the butterfly mansion 'meant to be' I'm sure she'd talk about you and Kanao"

Tanjiro's face became almost as red as his hair "W-What is that supposed to mean?"

Aoi laughed "Also, I meant to tell you this, thank you for helping me out when Tengen-sama tried to kidnap me"

"He had good intentions, but you're welcome" Tanjiro realized something "Hey!"

"What is it?"

"You're trying to change the subject aren't you?!" he said accusingly

"Listen Tanjiro-kun, Inosuke is only ever nice to me since I make him food; no romance involved" Aoi sighed

"Don't be in denial Aoi-san"

"I'm not in denial!"

They heard a voice behind them "That sounds like something someone in denial would say"

"Zenitsu-san, do you need something?" Aoi started

"I came to steal food" Zenitsu smirked "But your conversation was too interesting to not listen to"

"Idiot" Aoi said

"Aoi-san, it's hard to believe that dumbass boar can fall in love with anyone"

"Thank you" she said

"But I feel you're the only exception" he finished

"You both are out of your minds" she said

"If I asked Inosuke who his favorite person in the butterfly mansion was, what do you think he'd say?" Tanjiro asked

"He'd say either Tanjiro-kun or Kocho-sama"

"Wanna bet?" Zenitsu offered

"I'm not betting anything, I'm not as irresponsible as you two" she replied

Zenitsu smirked "So you think there's a possibility?"

Aoi blushed, they both saw it this time "No, betting never got anyone anywhere, that's all"

Tanjiro looked at her confidently "If I ask, will you at least listen to the answer?"

"Fine! Now sit down, lunch's ready" she said

"Yes ma'am" They both said simultaneously

They started eating

Bound by Destiny: A Love Story Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now