Chapter 7

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Inosuke watched in confusion as Aoi continued cleaning dishes as if nothing had just happened

"Aoi, why'd ya react that way when I said Kanao's name?" Inosuke asked curiously

"I'm glad you learnt her name" Aoi said, ignoring his question


"Fine! I'll tell you" she took a deep breath in "Kanae, the name you called Kanao, was the name of mine, Kanao's and nee-san's older sister "

"Shinobu doesn't have an older sister, right?"

"Our late older sister. . ." she said, trying not to cry again

"Why doesn't she come early then?" Inosuke suggested obliviously

Aoi face palmed "Our dead older sister" she corrected

Inosuke remained silent at this

Aoi tried to change the subject "Inosuke, why did you say that it was a good thing? When I said that I wasn't in love with Tanjiro?"

"Monjiro doesn't deserve you, also I love you more" he said straight forwardly after processing the thing about Kanae

Aoi smiled, then she processed what he had just said "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said 'Monjiro doesn't deserve you, also I love you more'"

"Yo-You love me?" she stuttered uncontrolabaly

"Yeah? Can I not?"

"You mean. . . as a friend, right? Not like. A lover" she said, flustered

"both" he said blatantly. He turned to Aoi and smiled at her cutely, who knew he could actually look cute?

Aoi's face turned a bright shade of red "Really?" she said quietly

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I love you?" Inosuke said, looking at Aoi like she was being the stupidest lady on earth

Zenitsu could hear all this from his room with his superhuman hearing, he started paying closer and closer attention to their question.

"Does that mean, that you. . . love me?"

"Wasn't that part obvious? You're the most perfect woman in the world" he stated obliviously "Why is your face all red"

"Y-You never told me that. . ." she muttered out of the corner of her mouth cutely

"I thought you knew?" he said in his loud-ish brash voice, it was almost impossible to imagine him whispering, it'd just sound like his voice was begging for a glass if water

"Well in that case" She whispered, as if she knew Zenitsu could hear her "I love you too"

Inosuke's eyes widened, It was weird to see him actually surprised

"I love you too, oka-" she was cut off

Inosuke kissed her on the mouth silently. Aoi's eyes widened, seeing Inosuke's face directly on hers. He held it for a couple seconds, which felt like an eternity to her. After he let go he met her surprised gaze with nothing but a smile. Aoi stood there looking at him, her jaw dropped.

"W-W-Why did you do that?!" She was feeling weirdly flustered

Inosuke's smile faded "Did you not like it" he asked, getting dangerously close to her face

"I-I never said that" Aoi stuttered uncontrollably

Inosuke raised a brow "Well did you like it then?"

Aoi blushed harder "Well I did . . . but it was still uncalled for"

"I really couldn't care less"

She looked away from him "You should go to bed now"

Inosuke came closer to her face "Can I stay here for a bit longer?" his smile was more beautiful than Aoi had expected.

Aoi took a frying pan and banged it on his head "What part of go to bed don't you get?!"

Aoi couldn't have been out of the room faster

Inosuke opened the door to his, Tanjiro's, and Zenitsu's room. Tanjiro looked confused, Zenitsu was waiting for him with a smirk.

Inosuke narrowed his eyes "Why do you look like a snake, Zampitsu?" Inosuke said as an insult

Zenitsu looked insulted for a second, his smirk suddenly returned to his face "I heard everything"

Inosuke's eyes widened "You did?"

"Mhm" he nodded

Tanjiro looked at them with an oblivious smile on his face "Heard what?"

"I couldn't care less, Zampitsu"



"What happened?" Tanjiro asked

"I'll tell you tomorrow, it's best you don't tell Kocho-sama though" Zenitsu thought about what Shinobu would say if she knew, it frightened him, even though it had nothing to do with him.

Bound by Destiny: A Love Story Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now