InoAoi Chapter 11

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Inosuke ran through the butterfly mansion, fearing for his life. This definetely caught Tanjiros' eye

"Inosuke, what happened?"

"Shinobu, and Kanao figured out about it" He gasped for air

Tanjiro looked at him, amazed "Since when did you learn Kanao's name? Wait, they figured out?"

Inosuke paid no attention to what Tanjiro had just said. He turned around and looked down at his stomach "I'm hungry"

"Don't steal food, just ask Aoi-san for something to eat"

Inosuke looked at his friend intensely "Nah" he sashaed out the hallway not looking back. Tanjiro made a face that said 'should I stop him?', he ultimately decided not to. Inosuke walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat, he found a bowl of fruits and discreetly took everything and left, proud of his theft.

Zenitsu saw him "Did you steal that or ask for it?"

"None of your buisness, Zampitsu"

"Its-" he gave up halfway through his sentence "Just tell me"

"I stole it"

Zenitsu sighed, he knew it wasn't his job to scold him. He grinned to himself at the thought of Aoi scolding him, his expression fell as he remembered how she would scold him for stealing food.

It was late at night by now. Zenitsu perked up "Inosuke, I hear something outside"

"Huh?" Inosuke said, his mouth stuffed to the brim with food "What happened?"

"There's someone outside"

Tanjiro burst in "Guys I smell a demon!"

"Where is it!" Inosuke yelled at the top of his lungs, reaching for his two swords that he forgot to put away.

"In the garden!"

Inosuke suddenly rememebered "AOI'S THERE"

"Oh, hell nah" Tanjiro rushed, not even knowing where the garden was


"That's not my name" he talked to the point where Inosuke conviniently ignored his voice

The three stopped at a screeching halt as they saw Aoi, tending to the garden

Zenitsu screamed "AOI GET INSIDE"

Aoi looked up at them, she noticed all their hands on their swords. She got up in a flash "KIYO, NAHO, SUMI INSIDE NOW" The small girls helping her ran inside horrified.

They saw a single demon standing on the small fence to the garden "Aw, my snack ran away" He said in an annoyingly careless voice "I'll leave then"

"HEY YOU, AREN'T YOU GONNA TRY AND EAT US?" Inosuke said daringly

"I don't eat men sorry, it'll upset my pretty stomach" He made an attempt to leave "But I could give you to some friends as a meal" he thought of the demons at the infinity castle

Kanao and Shinobu rushed in, it was clear Naho, Sumi and Kiyo had told her "Children, I'll handle this, I'm the Hashira here" said Shinobu. Her hand on her piercing sword, she started a stance and stepped ahead of the boys.

"Ooh, a pretty girl, I was hungry, I suppose I could have you as dinner" He eyes the boys, he saw Inosuke "Hey you, what's your name?" he pointed at him "The one with the black and blue hair" Inosuke didn't have his boar mask on that evening

Inosuke laughed crazily, Aoi watched from a distance, the demon she saw looked familiar "You wanna know my name? Hashibira Inosuke, the king of the mountains"

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