Chapter 10

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I know I said I couldn't post for a bit, but I stopped caring so I wrote this 

Aoi Kanzaki was in the kitchen cooking breakfast in the early morning, she heard a rustling sound behind her. Her eyes widened and curled her hand into a fist in case she would have to defend herself. She saw somebody coming dangerously close to her, she couldn't process the boys' hair color and immediately banged their head with a heated frying pan. The boy yelped in pain, she blinked at him dumbfoundedly. He looked up at him and saw two familiar red eyes, it was Tanjiro Kamado, followed by his younger sister Nezuko. She had feared Nezuko Kamado at first considering she was a demon; the same kind of being that ended her family when she was a child. Although Nezuko had never spoken to her, Aoi knew she was extremely sweet. Whenever she was with her, Nezuko would treat her as an elder sister.

"T-T-Tanjiro-kun!" she shrieked and immediately started rubbing his head.

Tanjiro bounced up at her after being hunched over after a small amount of time "I'm fine Aoi-san!" he covered his mouth, not meaning to yell "I've inherited my mothers' hard head, so it didnt hurt that much"

She closed her dropped jaw "Well . . . you shouldn't have snuck up on me to begin with. I'm glad you're feeling fine though" Aoi sighed, she looked past him and smiled lovingly at Nezuko. Who she couldn't see the mouth of due to the bamboo muzzle on her mouth; could still see her eyes smiling. "what did you need anyways?"

Tanjiro hesitated for a moment "The thing is . . ." he bowed his head slightly "I know we shouldn't have been eavesdropping but Zenitsu's crazy hearing abilities were able to catch on at Inosukes' confession to you" he blurted out suddenly, yet formally

Aoi's eyes widened "So you . . . both heard everything?"

"Yes, I know we shouldnt have, but there is something on my mind"

"Well out with it then"

"Do you think Lady Kocho would be okay with it?" he asked with a worried look on his face

Aois' face dropped ever so slightly, she looked up at him with . . . a smile.

Tanjiro's eyes widened, he had never seen this passive agrresive woman smile in his life, it was clearly a rare sighting. But many rare things are as well beautiful. Tanjiro gave her a nervous close-eyed smile "You look nice when you smile Aoi-san" he commented

Nezuko nodded cutely from behind him and gave a "Hmmp Hmmph" of agreement

She laughed "Thank you, and besides, if nee-san had a problem with it she'd have kept Inosuke away from me. If you two could see it she definetely would have by now" Her smile faded, she realized somthing.

She thought to herself 'If Zenitsu-kun heard everything . . . did he hear what I said about Kanae too?' The thought frightened her. No, if Zenitsu heard that, he would have confronted her by now; it had already been 4 days since that night. But . . . they were really happy days for Aoi; Inosuke had started to give her more attention. And she wouldn't say they were an item just yet, the time she spent with him was wholely precious to her.

The thought threw a smile on her face, Tanjiro chuckled at her bright mood that morning, it really was a rare sighting "Well, me and Nezuko better be going, we wouldn't want to disturb you or anything"

"Bye Tanjiro"

Aoi was tending to the flower garden that evening, Inosuke stepped behind her. She turned around to see the brash boy staring at her blankly

She raised a brow "Need something, Inosuke?"

"I found these dumb flowers in the forest. They looked bored. Maybe they'll look nice here" he showed her a boquet of wild flowers

She was taken aback by Inosukes' sudden gesture, it was cute but she tried to keep her demeanor "Well,it's not like I needed more work" she sighed "But~ they're better here than in the forest"

Inosuke sat next to her and watched as she arranged the flowers carefully

"Inosuke" Aoi started

"What is it?" He said nochalantly

Aoi eyed him "Why do you wear that boar head everywhere?"

Inosuke looked down and smiled while closing his eyes proudly "This was the head of the boar that raised me" he stated coolly.

Aoi stared at him oddly "Okay . . ." she said hesitantly

As she arranged the wild flowers near the bushes Inosuke came behind her and silently buried his head on the back of her head. Her eyes widened and she blushed intensely.

By the exit out to the guidance two people stood there, watching the cute couple "I see, so he does love her" one of them said.

Aoi heard this comment and turned around to see Lady Shinobu and Kanao standing by the doorway, Kanao looked happy while Shinobu looked tense, eyeing Inosuke sharply.

Inosuke brushed it off as if they knew the whole time "Hi Shinobu! Kanao!"

Kanao looked at him surprisedly 'So he remembers my name' she thought to herself.

Shinobu sternly stepped forward before Kanao could get a word in "Inosuke-kun may Kanao and I speak to you" she eyed Aoi and smiled saying 'Don't worry, I won't be upset'

Aoi sighed, Inosuke followed Shinobu and Kanao to the master bedroom

Shinobu looked at Inosuke frighteningly "Inosuke-kun" his hair frizzed up out of fright "I knew that you were in love with Aoi-san for a long time now, I'm not upset but I will say this" The air suddenly became more tense, Kanao looked almost as frightened as Inosuke did "If you do anything to hurt her. Or break her heart, I will personally hunt you down and rip out your organs" She smiled at him psycotically "I know poison won't work on you, but you can't stop me from killing you either way"

Inosuke ran out of that room fast as his legs could take him 

Bound by Destiny: A Love Story Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now