Chapter 9

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It was dinner at the butterfly mansion

Someone came in.

It was Giyuu Tomioka

Aoi greeted him at the door "Welcome Tomioka-san"

He bent down to make eye contact with her "Aoi, how are you?"

She smiled delightfully "I'm doing well"

He didn't take his eyes off her "And Tanjiro?"

Aoi smiled at him excitedly "He's doing better than ever"

He smiled and closed his eyes "That's great, what about Kocho?"

She narrowed her eyes "Was nee-san not at the Hashira meeting?"

Giyuu didn't answer.

Aoi also stayed silent, she knew about Tomioka's preferences of silence more than anyone

Tanjiro poked is head out the doorway "Tomioka-san!" he looked excited "Why didn't you tell me that Aoi-san was your student?! I thought we were friends!"

Tomioka looked at him blandly, his eyes were less soulless though "We are friends" he felt weird considering someone other than Aoi and Shinobu as his friend "You just never asked"

"If you could teach someone water breathing, then why did you send me to Urokadaki?"

"Aoi was much more obedient than you are, I taught her much before being a hashira, about a year before I met you and Nezuko" Giyuu reflected

"Tomioka-san, can I talk to you about something later?"

Giyuu looked skeptical "Okay . . ."

Shinobu came into the room, she saw Giyuu standing with Aoi and Tanjiro " Tomioka-san . . . what brings you here?" she smiled cheerfully

He looked at her sharply "I only came to see Tanjiro and Aoi"

Shinobu clapped her hands together "How kind of you!" she cheered

Tomioka couldnt have looked away from her faster.

Later Giyuu was in the room, nobody but him and Tanjiro were there

"Tomioka-san, can you teach me your eleventh water breathing form?" he asked, knowing he would say know judging by what Aoi told him that night

Giyuu's eyes widened for a fifth of a second "No"

"Why?~" he said skeptically

Giyuu tucked a strand of hair behind his ear "Aoi and you wouldn't be able to learn it"

Tanjiro's eyes narrowed "There's something you aren't telling me"

"If I told you how it works, you'd worry about me"

"That's exactly what Aoi-san told me!"

"And she's right"

"Well you told her!"

"She's my student"

"I could've been your student too"

Giyuu lost his patience "Fine! I'll tell you" he took a breath in

"Well?" Tanjiro asked impatiently

"Tanjiro, the eleventh form of water breathing is something that I developed myself, Urokadaki doesn't know it either"

"Not even Sabito and Makomo?"

Tomioka's eyes widened and he stumbled back "How on earth do you know those names?"

Tanjiro's face dropped

"Tanjiro! Answer the question!"

"I practically saw their spirits when I was cutting the boulder" he said

"Practically? What did they look like?"

"Sabito had Orange hair and lavender eyes, he also had a scar on his face" he remembered Makomo "Makomo had black hair and blue eyes, and had a flower painting on her kitsune mask"

"You saw them?"

Tanjiro nodded "Yes" he laughed "The spirit world is a weird place, isn't it?" he looked back at Giyuu "Now tell me about the eleventh form"

"Right" Giyuu was still in a pretzel "The reason it's called 'dead calm' is because it happens when my heart rate drops so low to the point where I can use it"

Tanjiro's eyes widened "What?!"

Giyuu stared at him

"But that's really unsafe!"

"I have to do what's nessesary to kill demons, end of conversation" he left the room silently

"Tomioka-san" Tanjiro muttered

Giyuu stopped "I must ask, why did Aoi tell you I was her teacher?"

Tanjiro blinked it off "I asked her who taught her water breathing, and she told me you did"

Tomioka's eyes widened "You . . . saw her using water breathing?" he asked

Tanjiro laughed "Yeah, a demon entered the mansion while Kocho-sama was away"

"Was she good at it?"

"Heck yeah, she was!" Tanjiro acted more childishly with Giyuu, since he knew he wouldn't be judged for it. Also seeing him always thrilled him.

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