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"Maaa, you know I will keep myself safe and where's my heat medication??? " I said

"but hunny, please keep yourself safe you know your the only one I have" mom said crying

"Oh come on mom Don't cry if you cry I'll cry too" I said tearing up then started bursting out tears

"You guys are like babies mom you know I'm here!!! And dad too" my brother said

"Yahh, I'm gonna be late for my flight if you guys keep complaining so where's my heat medication" I said

"It's just in the table are you blind jaeyun?! " my brother said

"Yahh, I need to go now" I said taking my bag and the heat medication


Good thing I made it in time before the flight gets off I hope nothing bad will happen as I got in my class I was in class B I think that it's okay I was seated close to a window I grabbed my earphones and started a music peaches by Justin Bieber I love it

I dozed off while the plane to took off


the airplane landed safely as I got my things and got off I sighed and I got out the airport and waved at a taxi good thing one made it to my way

I got in the taxi and taxi driver asked me "Hii! Do you live from here"

"No, I'm from Australia"

"Ooh! What state? "


"Cool, my name's Felix btw"


As he took me to the location and waved goodbye "I hope to see you again jake" he said

"I hope so too" I said, and smiled

I got in the apartment checked in I got on my apartment door and opened it to see someone inside 'oh shit did I got the wrong door?! Damn his hot'I said to my self and the guy looked at me confused I bowed and apologized "sorry I thought this was my apartment" I said

The guy said "It's okay, it's normal"

"The name's heeseung, Lee heeseung" he said

"Nice to meet you heeseung how old are you by any chance? " I said

"I'm 25(not based on their age this is just fan fiction)

" okay I'm only 23 so I can call you hyung"I said

"Okay anyways bye" I said and walked off 'ughh it's just my first day here and I already got a mistake I think I covered a number and I thought it was 223 it was actually 222  Aish' I opened my door and flopped on the couch closing my eyes not even bothering about my door I dozed off

Yahhh a short chapter for now I need to sleep I have school tomorrow

Bye have a good night/evening/morning!! By the way i changed "Seungmin" to felix cause i'm making Seungmin as Jake's cousin

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