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Heya👋 it's my little brother's birthday today! 🎉🎉

And my percent is only 8% so i gotta do this fast and it's kinda rush so it can have many grammatical errors or mistakes so please im sorry

(Imagine cant be able to walk lol 😂😂😂

Jake:shutup! Your not in my position😠

Author-nim:😨😨😨 how did you chat here?!


Author-nim:.... Let's just going
But before we start i say im in this story, my Name is kween, but my Name in this story is Lee choon-hee
Idk why i want to be in this story just so you all know im hee's sister in this story😔


Yahhh!!!! I forgot why Jake was going to Korea it's becuz he was gonna work there‼️‼️

I will change the plot a lil bit

Jake's POV

I woke up first, 'damn it even hert much than before'i thought to myself,

I tried getting up, but i failed I tried holding onti something for support I turned around if heeseung woke up he didn't so i stand up again

To my surprise I did it! I was proud of myself, I made eggs for breakfast I ate my phone vibrated a notification

Your brother💖 has sended you a message

"Hm?, oh I forgot to text them I think it's been months since I last texted, and....... Having.. Sex with heeseung.. " I said blushing at the four last words and mubling them, I then checked the message

Your brother💖

Your brother:
Bro you haven't text
For months

Mom has been worrying for
You I kept comforting her
That you were okay but
She didn't believe me

Where even are you
Im starting to worry about you

Sorry bro I have been busy
For works,

Your brother 💖:
That's okay bro
As long as your safe that's fine with me wait lemme just call you
Mom wants to see you

K bro!

Your brother 💖 has is calling

Call has accepted ✅

Jksm:Jake's mom
Jksd:jake's dad

Jksm:jaeyun!!! How are you son!

Jk:dont worry mom im alright how are you guys there?

Jksm:were doing great how about you? Did you found a boyfriend?


Hs:yeah, he does



Ty:mom be quite, *cough*hey bro how old are you? What even is your name can you show your face

(Basically there in a phone call where you can open cam)

Many questions were on Ty's mind

Hs:chill bro, firstly, my Name Lee heeseung I am 25 years old, and this is a secret I am mafia boss

Allofthesim:WHAT?! YOUR A WHAT?!!?!?!?!

Heeseung's POV

I regret telling them that even Jake was shocked

"Okay im sorry for not telling at the start but im a Yandere too- I got cutted of " YOU WHAT?! LEE HEESEUNG WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME"he shouted "sorry.. Love im sorry" I said he flushed red he said goodbye to his family and he ended the call

He looked at me dead in the eyes he chased me with a pan and I ran out his apartment and started running to mine

Good thing I saw my sister there (bro why do I feel like im gonna get hate for this, 😭in this story im his older sister 2 years gap it's only in this story not really life!!!!! No hate!!!! Im the oldest child pretend like i gave him my spot for the mafia boss lol bro it's my first time being in a story okay😭)

"Noona!!" I said dramaticlly, I ran behind my older sister Choon-he

"Hey hee whats up?"she said,

" I told him that I was a mafia boss, and I didn't told that to him when we started...... Uhh... Dating"I said

"Ohh finally you found someone!"

That's it for now im 1% 😭😭😭😭😭

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