9-Who are you? 🔞

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Jake's POV

I woke up first I saw myself laying down on heeseung's chest, I admired his face.. He looks... handsome, attractive, magnificent, ethereal, breathtaking, exquisite, mesmerizing, flawless, shining, lovely,
gorgeous, dazzling, stunning, perfect, precious, everything in him is my type

"Heeseung-hyung? " I said making sure if he was asleep

No answer. When I got no answer I leaned in and made our lips touch my cheeks turned bright red as I did, the kiss lasted a minute I felt someone touch my waist as I looked up and saw heeseung hyung awake I flushed dark red,

"Does my kiss only satisfy you Jaeyun? " he said smirking

I shook my head in respond, embarrassment took over me as he switched our position, he was on TOP of me

I looked at him already making hickeys and love bites on my neck I whimpered of the feeling

It's been a while since we have sex,

He took  a lube and some  condoms on the drawer

[Many condoms many rounds]

"Agh~ Ahh~ Ha~ f-fuck oh Yeah~ H-Harder hyung~"I moaned i was so close to my climax my eyes rolled up

I was a moaning mess while heeseung hyung is groaning

"Fuck so tight~ so good~ fuck im cumming"Heeseung hyung came inside the condom and i came too

I thought it was finished until i heard something ruffling i saw Heeseung hyung opening another condom and he flipped me on fours

Pounded on me i screamed"AHH~~ NGH~~"without him letting me adjust he thrusted in an animalistic pace i was moaning in every thrust my climax was approaching

I came but heeseung hyung was still going he started thrusting in a pace that was faster than before i started crying when he hit my prostate he started abusing my prostate making tighten on the sheets finally he came on the condom i came afterwards

Timeskips ofc they cleaned

Nobody's pov

Jake was the first to wake up he felt hungry and lazy at the same time he was lazy to cook so he just went out to buy some food

I went sb(Starbucks for those who dont know)

"Hello welcome to starbucks how may i help you?"The counter lady said

"Hi can i get a cappuccino and a sliced cake strawberry one"Jake said

"Okay what would you like to name this sir?," "Jake" "Okay that would be 27.65$"the counter lady said jake paid and he waited patiently on a table close to a window

He stared silently to the kids playing outside he wondered how would it be like if he had kids with heeseung

He heard his name being called in the counter and he took his order and ate when he was done he left, he wasn't looking in the way

He bumped into someone and he looked up to met with some beautiful pair eyes,

He took the hand and got up he thanked the guy who had a facemask and the guy nodded

The guy started tearing up jake asked
"omg! What's wrong?" "Don't you remember me jake"the guy asked he took his face mask off jake gasped his eyes started tearing up,

"Beomie hyung!"jake ran to beomgyu for a hug  they hugged for a minute and they separated

"So? How's mom and dad "Beomgyu asked, "They're good they will be greater if they knew your alive im just so happy your not dead"Jake said wiping his tears,

"Do you have a boyfriend hyung?"jake asked, beomgyu nodded "Who is it?"Jake asked "its yeonjun", "YEONJUN?!! AS IN CHOI YEONJUN THE KPOP STAR!!"jake yelled making beomgyu startled, "sorry..", "its alright yes its him"Beomgyu said

"How bout you? Do you have a boyfriend"now it was beomgyu's turn to ask jake got red in embarrassment "Y-yeah his name is Lee Heeseung "Jake said shyly "WAIT LEE HEESEUNG THE SON OF THE MAFIA ?!"beomgyu said ,"Yes..." Jake said

As they're chatting came to an end they exchanged numbers and got home

When jake got home he was pinned on the door

"Where were you and why are your eyes swollen and puffy?" an angry worried heeseung said

"I just bought food in sb"Jake said, "An d?"heeseung said

"The eyes are nothing important hyung"Jake said

"Well you shouldn't have told me your going out " Heeseung stopped pinning jake, they pecked each others lips

They cuddled on the couch while watching virenzo


Finally done


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