11- Meeting (2min chapter)

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2min chapter! I love 2min and if you don't like it leave the fuck out and don't ever come back because i love it just kidding you can skip this chapter don't worry it won't be a bother to the plot Seungmin is an omega while Minho is An alpha

[Seungmin's POV]

I hate my life... I don't even know if somebody or someone cares for me.. I don't have relatives or so... But i thought for a while that why don't i find a job? Yes and right now i work as a barista the café was really so busy and right now i'm getting screamed at for spilling a coffee on their shirt

"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS IS?!"the man yelled at me scolding as if i did something that will kill him i sighed i hate people like this

Time passes by the customer stopped but in return it gave me black eye i can't even describe how i hate people like that

Right now i'm walking towards my house and i have to walk in an alleyway as i was walking i heard something ruffling i turned around to be met with pair of eyes

"Hey there~ What's your name?"the guy asked, "uhm.. who are you?"i asked, "my name is Minho, Lee know to be exact and i'm here to be your future husband im also 25"he said,

"Huh? What do you mean"i asked

"I mean this" "wha-" i didn't finish when he suddenly kissed me i tried to break free but his grip was too strong i suddenly melted and kissed back i felt a smirk and i know it was him

He bit my lip making me whimper he took that chance and slipped his tongue inside he explored every corner of my mouth while i was moaning this is a new feeling..

Just then the kiss ended with a string of saliva connected, "Looks like pup likes it?~"He said with a sly Smirk i hugged him feeling his warmth i loved this i feel like I don't want to stop

I hid my face to crook of his neck and smelled his scent he smelled so nice even if this is just a dream lets stay like this for a little more

But the warmth stopped... I hated how that felt.. i need that warmth again


Ofc alone again... I hate this i don't even eat my house is a mess but i thought what if i change my life so i did and cleaned the living room..

Kitchen..,Guest rooms,my room, ofc my Parents room I don't even know if i need to do it i haven't been inside here in a while i looked around and saw a letter

(Just so yall know Seungmin hates his parents because he thinks that They left him)

The letter:

Hi sweetie if your reading this
We're probably dead or maybe far away, i left money on the bottom shelf in the closet take it and live like u want to and maybe find a lover i support you if you want to date a guy please take care of yourself<3

Love mom❤

I cried as i read the letter i didn't knew they cared for me they neglected me and i thought they didn't care for me tears sheds down to my cheek to my neck i saw picture of my parents with little me i smiled and took it

I looked at it crying even more i hugged it and shed tears just then i remembered the money in bottom shelf of the closet so i did what my mom told me in the letter i opened the drawer and saw a suitcase

I opened it to see A lot of money.. i needed this I put it aside first and continued cleaning i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and i showered just then i heard something outside


I hurried showering and put my clothes on i peeked on the doorway
I saw a shadow figure i got scared just then the figure noticed me he started getting closer

Just as he was getting closer i saw who it was.. "M-minho hyung?"i said, "Ahh.. You remembered me Seungmin -ah" how did he knew my name?! I didn't tell him..

He went closer to me i stand straight looking at him he was the same height as me.. (I wanted to make Seungmin shorter👍) suddenly i gasped when he picked me up

"Where's your room pup"i told him the direction we went inside my room he threw me to my bed he unbuttoned his shirt and took my Shirt off i blushed

"hyung.. its my first time.."he nodded, "ill go gentle then.. but I don't keep promises"he mumbled the last part just as i knew i was fully naked so was he

"Prep?"he asked and i nodded he slipped two fingers inside scissoring me it felt good wow this was a new feeling.. "Agh~"i made a weird noise i quickly covered my mouth shocked of what i did

"Don't. I want to hear your cute sounds.."he took my hand off and kissed me as i got red "Your ready" i didn't notice he was this huge... "Your big.."i said he chuckled "You just noticed? What a silly pup"

I covered my face being embarrassed by the pet names just then i felt a panging pain just as i knew he slowly entered me it turned into pleasure

My back arched with pleasure, "Oh its here?~"He hit that spot "Aghhh~~" i moaned he hit that spot over and over again i felt a bulge in my stomach just then white liquid came out of my member(cum) just then i passed out not knowing anything that happened next

I felt a warm liquid inside me..


[3rd Person's POV]

The next day Seungmin threw up to the toilet Minho came with him, "Are you alright?"He asked i nodded, "Here take this."he gave me a pregnancy test and went out

I tried it and it was Positive?! I went out and showed it to minho his eyes widened and smiled

'what.. im pregnant?! I mean im not mad its just that im shocked how can anybody like someone like me?'i cried with Minho Hyung he hugged me and kissed my forehead..


Hii yes its just their first meet but Seungmin got already pregnant but I didn't have ideas so i did this.. but don't worry the part 2 of 2min chapter will have their wedding! Also i lied this isn't gonna end if the chapters is 15!

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