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I woke up cause my phone was blowing up with the notification I checked the time it was only 10am
Then I checked the group chat

Sunghoon:did y'all hear moans and screams last night? 💀

Jungwon:yeah i did, I can't sleep they were so loud

Jay:Also I think it was heeseung hyung with another person

Heeseung:"... "

Sunghoon:so heeseung hyung was it good? And who was it, is it someone we know?

Heeseung:shut up

Sunghoon:anyways where's sunoo and Kai, I thought Kai said his gonna add his friends

Ughhh what waste of time I thought to myself I slept again


I woke up to see heeseung hyung still asleep I looked at the ceiling while I'm
Like a tomato 'Aishhh, I can't believe I did those things with heeseung hyung and we just let's said to myself I sat on the bed my back arched in pain 'damn heeseung hyung is so good in sex.. 'My thoughts were cut off when I heard a groan "Ahh- oh? Jaeyun-ah your awake" hee said smiling like we didn't do it last night "wanna eat ramyeon? " I said

He furrowed his eyebrows, (Uhh if you ask someone if they say "would you like to eat ramyeon? If means you want to have sex with the person u ask idk) " why are you furrowing your eyebrows hyung? " "uhh let me explain, if you ask someone to eat ramyeon with you it's like your asking for sex" jake's face flushed red and he covered it "Okay then let's eat some" he hopped off the bed and I tried standing but I failed, I falled on my ass and hyung just laughed at me "it's not funny! " I said he just burst out laughing while I was pouting

"HAHAHA- s-sorry" he said

Hee carried me in a bridal style and he made me sit in the counter of the kitchen while he make the ramyeon

I then got an idea I tried sneakly going behind heeseung hyung and I hugged his waist and my face was in his neck

"Jaeyun-ah? " hee said,

I felt something going up and he was hard?!,I widened my eyes as he made my hands let go of his waist and he turned off the stove and placed me on
The counter and he started kissing me
And sucking my neck making me whimper, he got even harder and he started taking our clothes up but I stopped him real quick "h-heeseung hyung I-i don't have any condoms right now"I said

"Then let's buy some" "some? Are we going on many rounds?! " I said widened my eyes, he smirked and nodded


we were in the convenience store and bought 1 plastic of condoms we checked in the cashier while I was holding his left arm feeling shy cause many people was looking this way while heeseung hyung was still calm,just then the cashier asked us "so what are these condoms for are you guys gonna use them? " the cashier asked smiling, "u-u-uhhh" I said stuttering "Yeah" heeseung hyung said

"Alright that will be 28$"

We payed and left and as soon as we got in my apartment heeseung hyung already put me on the counter and he was already topless he took my clothes of too he started sucking the most sensitive part of my neck and I kept moaning and whimpering "A-Agh~~ h-hyung not on t-that part"

But heeseung kept sucking while Jake was a moaning and whimpering mess and the older doesn't even care if someone hears them

Now we were fully naked and he put some condoms in his dick and he didn't waste any time much longer and thrusted hard on me making me scream "A-AHH! H-H-HYUNG S-SLOW DOWN" I said, tears started flowing from my tears as heeseung hyung kissed my tears

That does it the pain was no longer there now it was pleasure hitting me heeseung was still in his fast pace but I wanted more so I whispered to heeseung hyung

"H-hyung~ harder~ please go faster and harder" I said, and thats it he started going in his animalistic pace and it was so much pleasure hitting me

"I-Im C-coming!! " Jake said

"Me too" heeseung hyung said

I came and heeseung came inside the condom and he took it out

"So what does this make us jaeyun-ah? " hee said

"Lovers" I said panting

He then kissed me and we cleaned ourselves and slept again not even caring about the ramyeon

(Poor ramyeon)

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