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A little heated scene not smut tho it's just make out

I woke up to see no one beside I decided to check on the living room.

When I got there I saw no one too 'huh? Where could heeseung hyung be'i thought to myself

Since heeseung hyung isn't here ill just buy groceries im out of stock anyway

I grabbed my key(car key and house key) I didn't lock the door incase heeseung hyung gets in I speed in the elevator and push the parking lot button

The elevator dinged and I got out to get my car I clicked the car button so my car lights up

I got in my car to drive to the grocery store


They're weren't many people here so it's nice

I got in the first aisle the ingredients aisle I got soy sauce, vinegar, salt,sugar, olive oil, some vegtables I go to the next aisle the meats I got some beef many things more

I got in the cashier to scan it I payed and got out I drove to my apartment to the parking lot I Parker my car

I got out and I got in the elavator i clicked the elavator to the second floor

It dinged I went to my apartment to my surprise heeseung hyung was in front of me

"Where have you been? " heeseung hyung said in an angry voice "oh hyung I just got home from the grocery-" I got cutted off when heeseung hyung pulled me in his chest

"why didn't you tell me I was worried" he said frowning, "I didn't see you" I said

He then put me in the counter "hyu-" I got cut off again with his lips on mine our lips was moving in sync he bit my bottom lip for entrance so I did he put his tongue in

Making me moan, he started roaming his hands under my shirt and was about to take it off"hyung n-not now~"

"But im horny right now jaeyun-ah" he said pouting "l-lets do it next time hyung"I said and I patted his head

He carried me in our room we layed down the bed and cuddled we fell asleep (AGAIN)


I'm spoiling y'all too much thats enough my result in my exam hasn't been shown yet wish luck y'all 😘🤘


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