10-Nest & Heat🔞

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I have finally posted!

Contains:Nesting,close heat,Fluff,Smut, overstimulation


Heeseung's Pov

I was in the living texting my big brother Lee Minho(Yes this is 2min there's no much 2min in this world😭) Jake was in my room idk probably sleeping

Jake's POV

I took some of heeseung hyung's clothes and pillows i made a circle of heeseung hyung's clothes in Heeseung hyung's bed and put a pillow in the middle i layed down on the pile of clothes smelling my alpha's scent it smelled Like vanilla i love Vanilla(For the sake of The book)

I guess my heat is just around in one corner,

Heeseung's POV

I went inside my room to see jake with a pile of my clothes i guess his heat is near i smirked i tapped his hip and he looked up

„is pup's heat near?~”I said in a seductive tone he nodded, i put my head in His neck and smelled his scent

I felt my pants getting tight i looked down and jake looked down too „Look's like we will have fun” i smirked


Ahh!~ Hugh~ ah~ Yes~ Fuck~” Jake moaned, „You like that? You little slut”
Heeseung praised, „fuck!~ oh~ yes~ Daddy~”just then jake felt a bulge in his stomach,

„Are you close pup?”heeseung asked jake nodded, „come for me then” after heeseung said that jake came heeseung came after

Heeseung went to the bathroom and brought a wet towel,

„hyung?”Jake said heeseung hummed

„i love you”jake said

„i love you too”heeseung said as they gave a long peck

I know its short!

I cant think of any ideas sorry

Just so you know... This story is ending soon just 5 more chapters

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