Prologue pt.1

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The past

Being in the hospital 3 times before, you would think I've had enough practice but no I still get the same nerves everytime, I get the same fear everyday.

My wife gave birth to our fourth child and last, it was risky getting her pregnant again but she insisted she wanted another.

I couldn't argue because we both were trying for a girl, for so long only to be surprised by another boy, he's beautiful and looks just like his mother.

I couldn't want anything more.

"Dad where is mom?" My first born son, Silas asks me. I had to leave the hospital to check on my other boys, I didn't want to but they were left with a babysitter and I don't trust people easily with my children.

"She's with your new born baby brother," I crouch down to my boys level.

Silas has blue eyes just like his mother but all of my features.

"Where are your brothers?"

"They are having nap time, but I'm to old for naps so I decided to wait for you and mom to come home."

I can't help but chuckle slightly, my wife always said that the boys have my personality traits but I never saw it. Now I see it more clearly as they grow.

"Don't worry we will be home soon, won't you like to see your baby brother?"

He shrugs, "it's not like I don't have enough brothers."

I squint at him, trying to hold in my laughter, we all were hoping for a girl but life gives you what you need and apparently we were due for another boy.

"C'mon little man you'll have another brother you can boss around and play with."

He shrugs again and looks up at me with those eyes that fill me with pride every day, "I was hoping for a sister that I can look after."

My world melts as he says this and my heart warms, my boys are to much for this cruel world.

"Me to buddy but every sibling is a blessing." I try to explain but Silas is still young I'm not sure if he understands.

"I know dad."

"Can you take me with you to go see mom?"

I sigh and stand up once again, "I wish buddy but you'll have to wait a few days."

He frowns but doesn't cry about it, which I'm greatful for because I have to get going back soon.

"C'mon why don't we eat real quick and I'll be back to check on you later."

I take his little hand in mine and walk towards the kitchen to feed my growing son. I also have to find the babysitter with my other kids just to make sure everything is going smoothly.


Before entering my wife's room again, I grab a coffee and check on my other little baby boy that is in the nursery room. I still haven't seen a doctor or someone who could explain why they separated my baby from my wife but I suppose it's just to check on his weight and other important aspects.

"Hey Claire? Baby I got some jello for you to eat," I say before opening the door to let her know it's me and I see her sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed.

I sit opposite of her but slightly nudge her arm so she knows I'm back.

"Claire?" I whisper but she doesn't move, I'm not sure if she can hear me.

I look at her more closely and I feel my heart beat growing, something is wrong it doesn't look like she is breathing so I nudge her a little harder.


"Claire? It's me baby wake up!" My voice gets louder but still nothing, she doesn't move or make a sound and I'm on my feet before a beeping sound fills the room.

"Someone help!" I struggle to get my voice out but doctors come rushing through as I get up and try to move Claire.

My vision is blurry but they quickly push me away and with some resistance there's a nurse that escorts me out.

"Please sir calm down, the doctors know what there doing."

It does nothing but my vision is so blurry that I'm loosing my strength, she was fine while giving birth, what happened?

Did my enemies get to her? Would the doctors notice?

My fits clench but I know thats not what happened, even if I left I never left Claire unprotected.

"It will be okay, just breath and relax," I'm surprised when the nurse holds her hand on my chest and breaths with me.

I finally break out of my trance and focus, I would think the nurse is going to far but she unexpectedly calms me and I'm breathing regularly now.

Faintly I hear the doctors and then silence and I'm panicking all over again, I rush in not giving a damn about anything right now. I need my wife, I need to make sure she's ok.

It takes all of the doctors to hold me back and I refuse to cry or let them stop me from seeing my wife.

"Sir, I'm so sorry she's gone. There's nothing you can do."

Those words have finally broken me.

I let out my anger, and pain.

She's gone.

That's all I can think over and over the words repeat in my mind, she's gone.

She's gone.

She's gone.

Then, I loose it.

Then, I loose it

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