1 - The Announcement

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"She's what?"

My brother jumps up from the couch, to shout at my dad, obviously he's not taking the news well.

"Your mom is getting married." My dad looks a little tired, while my brothers start to fire questions at him.

I stay quiet because my dad looks tired, I'm not sure I can read his expression but he doesn't seem to sad about the news.

My mother and father got divorced right after I was born, as I grew up I wanted them together, every child would but now that I'm a teenager I realize there better off apart.

My father recently came out to us, while my mother was chasing her dreams and became a doctor. Now he's telling us shes getting married to another man.

I'm a little surprised because she never mentioned a new man in her life, focused on work and all that but she probably wouldn't have told me anyway, I don't have the best relationship with her.

I envy girls I see at the mall who shop with there mothers, my mom would never do that kind of stuff with me, she was always to busy working or doing something. She had a million excuses not to hang out with me.

That's why I'm so thankful to my dad and brothers who always make time to hang out with me, we always do things together as a family or at least a half a family.

"You can't be serious!" Taylor shouts and I'm snapped back to our current situation, Taylor is the middle child out of me and my older brother Conner, and while I'm kinda close to Conner Taylor is the opposite.

He's also a teenager but growing into an adult, which is what Dad tells me when Taylor has an attitude, but he always has a bad attitude so I'm pretty sure it's just his personality.

Dad let's out a big sigh and visibility rubs his forehead, "try to relax Taylor, your mother wants you to be there when she gets married. She's your mother so we all will be there and you will behave."

He looks to me and Conner for support as Taylor scoffs, "please she's never been around long enough to be are mother!"

His voice gets louder and dad winces.

"Taylor!" Dad calls out after him when Taylor storms off and slams his bedroom door.

Conner has been awfully quiet for a while but when the door slams he's up on his feet, "don't worry dad I'll talk to him."

Dad is at a loss for words but he relectenly nods and sits beside me.

"Are you ok? I know this is a lot to take in but I hope you'll support your mother on this, she sounded happy on the phone."

I nod, "of course dad."

He smiles and gives me a hug, "I knew I could count on you, your getting so mature."

I smile, feeling the comfort in my dad's hug.

"When are they getting married?"

He pulls away to look at me, "well that's the thing..."

"Your mom is getting married tomorrow."

My eyes widen and I can no longer hide my surprise, "what?"

"I know it's a surprise for me to and I would have told your brothers if they hadn't run off."

"How long have they been dating? On our phone calls she never mentioned a boyfriend?" I keep asking him questions but my dad gives a polite smile, he only does that when he's trying to hide his feelings.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Sophie I know this is a lot but if your mom loves him then who's to say." I nod but I still don't have any answers, I don't even think Dad knows anything about it.

"Did she talk to you about it?"

"Yes sort of." So that means she told him and hung up, my mom is not one to best around the bush and she tells you things but then hangs up like your supposed to accept it and move on.

She never bothered to tell us why, or what she's thinking at times. It makes the boys frustrated but I don't mind most of the times, I don't like to rock the boat and I absolutely hate conflict.

I've never bothered with telling my family my feelings because when I was a child my mom would brush me off while my dad and brothers would tell me to put on a brave face and get through it.

Growing up with brothers, your not allowed to cry, sob or get irrational because they think it's overrating.

"Dad it's ok, I understand." I don't understand but if it makes dad feel better then I will say and do what I have to.

He nods, "I'm sorry honey, I know it's a lot to take in at once but I would appreciate it if you try to talk to your brothers and convince them to show up, for your mother."

"I can try, but you know how Taylor is."

He gives me one last hug then stands up, "thanks Sophie I know I can count on you."

"Yep." I reply curtly but my dad expects it and goes upstairs to my brothers room, I'm sure there's about to be more yelling.

I stay on my couch for a minute and just like I suspected I hear my brother yelling, until there's footsteps on the steps and Taylor rushes past me to the front door.

"Wait Taylor, just listen to dad," I try to reach for him and follow him out but he slams the door in my face.

Well that was dramatic, I can't really blame him to much, mother was never there for any of us.

But Taylor, he had the most hope.

Hope that mom would show up, or that her and dad would get back together. Now reality is coming crashing down on him.

I just hope it doesn't crush all of us.

I just hope it doesn't crush all of us

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