7 - The plan

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After dinner was much better then the whole meal because I finally got a chance to breath, apparently Victor's work pulled him away, and I don't know why all of his sons went with him but they did.

I'm not complaining though, once they were gone my mom and my brothers all made their own excuses leaving me alone for a little bit.

It gave me enough time to take in everything that's happened recently.

I sigh as Taylor comes back and glares at me, "what did we tell you?"

I sigh "to act.."

He cuts me off, "like a brat, but you just sat their as pathic and polite as ever." He says looking at me with a hard glare.

I pout slightly, looking down "I can't do that Taylor, they all seemed nice."

He shakes his head and scolds me like I'm a little child, "nice? Really? Your gonna see how miserable life will be with that family."

"Why do you hate them so much?" I ask as I sigh unable to face him, "do you know them or something?" I ask confused why he was so against this.

He rolls his eyes "you wouldn't understand."

I nod and sigh "then please don't get angry at me."

"I'm not the one who is forcing you."

He rolls his eyes, "no I suppose your just gonna get lost in the shuffle, just like always" he smiles as he leaves the table again.

I frown as I want to cry, lost in the shuffle?

I don't understand why my brother is so mean but it's making my mood so much worse.

Will I just be ignored all the time?

I guess that will always be my life.


The flight isn't a long one, as my two eldest accompany me. I hated that dinner, everything was an act, sure I loved sleeping with Marie in the past but marrying her now was different.

Her children were fine, they were tolerable and lucky for me Marie was putting on the perfect act.

Like she was used to acting.

"So do we think Taylor will be a problem?" Hayes asks from his seat, peering at me.

I sigh and shake my head, "he's just like Zayn but I can handle it."

"I mean I handled all of you." I smile as Silas laughs slightly.

"Your not exactly that young anymore pops." Silas says smirking as Hayes laughs slightly and I shake my head at them, I'm not old.

"Don't push it."

Silas nods, still with a smirk as Hayes keeps laughing slightly.

"I'm more concerned about Sophie." Silas says looking deep in thought, truthfully deep down I was too, she seemed shy and reserved, definitely got to keep an eye on her.

Considering what I do, I have to keep protection on all of them now.

To my surprise Hayes nods as well agreeing with his older brother.

I let out a sigh, they get a step sister and think it's their job to worry about her, no wonder I never had a girl, the boys would have more murder on their hands then they do now.

Only Silas and Hayes knew this was all an arrangement, set up by my own father. That damn bastard tricked me into signing the agreement, before he died, I still keep trying to dig up answers as to why but coming up empty handed. The basic rules of the agreement was I marry Marie and my son's get their own shares of my father's money, he knew my weakness was giving my son's everything they desire and more.

Apparently he had his own thoughts on what they desired, a family. Personally I still think this is all a bad idea but its out of my hands now.

There's more to the agreement, like rights to all the houses and stocks but most important the right to our mafia, our family legacy, I was already the don but in order for me to pass that on to Silas I have to be married.

It's an old tradition, one I thought I escaped after my first wife died but my father had other plans.

Now I'm married to Marie and have to live with all of my children and hers, what a fucking life I'm living.

I thought I was done with raising kids but now there's just Sophie.

Technically I don't have to raise her but she's still young not even a teenager yet, I still have to keep an eye on her and I can tell my son's are already going to be great help.

Hayes sighs as I look back at him, he wears a indifferent expression "are you sure about this dad? What if they find out?" He asks.

I shake my head, "they won't."

"You sound so sure."

I smile and nod, "because i have a plan Hayes and you know I never make a mistake when it comes to you guys."

Silas is the first to question me, hayes seemed to expect my answer but Silas is always the first to say something.

"Dad this is serious, we may know about the risks but they don't."

He sighs "I just hope you know what your doing because dragging another family into this life is dangerous."

I nod "don't you think I know that Silas, I get you guys are adults now but I'm still your father." I say firmly looking at both of them.

"I've been at this alot longer, I have everything under control."

Hayes nods, "we know dad."

Silas offers a small smile.

"You always do."


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