8 - How's life?

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Life is confusing, hard and expensive. I suppose things could be worse but it's still hard, moving in with my mom. I have to leave my dad, my brothers can visit because they can drive but what about me?

I can only walk but I doubt they'd let me, I'm gonna be living with 7 guys, my life is never gonna look the same.

The only bright side is I'm gonna be able to go to my dream school, I didn't get the scholarship but apparently Victor is so rich he got Taylor and I into it.

I'm so torn about it all but there's nothing I can do about it, we are getting packed and I wish my dad would just fight harder for us.

He seems fine with all of this.

I have no choice but to be fine with all of this. I hate being young, I hate that I'm just supposed to accept everything and move on like it's easy.

I put on my ear phones and blast my Olivia Rodrigo playlist, I feel so connected to her music more then ever.

I keep packing as I just want to scream, just like in the song.

But I can't.

Once I'm done I sit on the bed and just lay down, taking in my empty room, I let out a sigh as I see dad sit beside me.

He smiles and takes off my earphones, "time to go?" I ask.

He nods, "I'm sorry honey, I know it's tough but you'll see it's better this way."

I sigh, "says you."

"Don't you care at all? That mom is taking us away?"

He sighs and nods, "of course I care but we will have visits and most importantly you will have your mother again."

I roll my eyes and laugh slightly, but it's all humorless "I don't need her and I never will."

He frowns, not used to my behavior but I'm so tired.

"I know you think that now but in the long run everyone needs a mother."

I shake my head, "I lived without her for this long." I sigh and hold his hand, "you raised me, I only need you."

He smiles "I love you but eventually you'll see."

I sigh and nod, he's not showing any fight, so why should I bother to "if you say so."

He smiles and kisses my cheek, "we can always text and call, I'm always here for you."

I smile and nod, "you better answer." I tease and hug him.

He offers me the biggest smile and holds me close, our classic bear hug, "you know I'm never to busy for you."

We cuddle and hug as the boys come in, "group hug?" Conner smiles as I nod happily.

Conner has no problem bugging into our hug but Taylor is brooding as always by the door.

"You guys are so lame," he mutters but my dad gets up and makes him join our family group hug.

I smile so much but also feel a sense of sadness because this feels like goodbye and dad will be all alone in this house.

"Okay guys time to get g-" our mom comes through the door but paused when she sees us.

I catch the blink, the glimmer of regret and I know that look better then anyone, she gave that look just before she left us.

I close my eyes and sigh.

"I love you too dad."

"I'll call everyday."

He smiles as we all pull away, Taylor the first to walk away and Conner following after him.

My dad smiles at my mom and nods "go on then Sophie."

I sigh and nod giving him one last quick hug before I go and follow the boys, our mom following close behind.

I don't like leaving but I trust my dad and hope he's right about my mom, maybe she could change and want a relationship with us now.

I'm not saying we could redo the damage but maybe have something better then we do now.

Everything is so new and a little odd to me, we are riding in a limo over to there estate. How rich are these guys?

"I didn't think you'd be the type to be a gold digger" Taylor mutters. My eyes widen slightly at his harsh words directed to our mom, she even looks surprised.

"I'm not." Mom blushes and looks flustered.

I sigh as I realize hes finally dropping the act and showing all his anger towards the situation.

"Really? So he's your sugar daddy then."

Oh God, why do I have to be in the same car. Conner looks just as uncomfortable as I feel.

I catch the eyes of the driver as he does something, not sure as I look confused realizing he's texting something, is he reporting back to Victor or something?

I assume he works for him and all so it seemed only logical.

I sigh and look at Taylor, I don't want him to get in trouble so I interject, "I'm sure that's not true."

He rolls his eyes, "being a suck up isn't gonna get you money either sis."

I look down and sigh, well I tried.

My mom finally snaps, "Taylor don't speak to your sister like that, I get your angry at me but do not take that out on her."

I smile a little but don't let it show to much as Taylor glares but he's silent for the rest of the ride.

It's the longest car ride of my life.

I didn't know what I was expecting when we arrived but it sure was not all this, big mansion, no other houses for miles.

The inside is even better or worse, I haven't decided, I'm just to stunned to form any words or thoughts. A big fancy staircase going up to the rooms, a pool room with an inside pool, all of the rooms were huge but my favorite is the living room as you walk in with high ceilings that had a few paintings.

I can't believe my eyes.

This is a house made for royalty. It feels to fancy to be living in.

"Wow!" Conner mutters under his breath.

I smile and nod as Taylor also looks amazed.

"Welcome to our home!" Asher smiles coming down the stairs as he smiles at all of us.

"Or I should say welcome to your new home."


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