12 - So close

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I take a deep breath and exhale walking into the school of my dreams, I feel excited and a little nervous but I'm confident in my abilities.

School is the only place I've ever felt confident, it's weird to say for kids my age but it's how I've always been.

Ash called me a nerd and to be honest he's got me right, if being smart makes you a nerd, then sure I am one.

"Hi I'm Sophie, I'm here for my list of classes," I tell the secretary.

She eyes me up and down, "you have to be in uniform."

I sigh, "well I'm new so I don't have one, I can-"

She cuts me off, acting like I'm some dangerous old lady or something.

"Sorry Hun you can't go in class without them."

I try to focus on being polite, "like I said I'm new I don't know if I have one ordered or not."

She smiles but it's fake, she's acting like a prude.

"Sorry dear, your name isn't on any order, you'll have to come back another time."

I sigh "please I just need-" she cuts me off again and it's really making me mad.

"Sophie? Right? You can't come in here."

I bite on my bottom lip, holding my anger inside, almost ready to explode before I do something like yell.

They would never let me in then, so I do the only thing I can, just let it go and try tomorrow.

"Fine," I mutter before walking out.

"Now what do I do?" I ask to the sky and sit on the curb.

"Hey nerd what are you doing on the side of the road?" To my surprise Ash comes skating up to me.

I sigh and shrug, standing up to show him my clothes "no one told me I need a uniform."

He nods and smiles, "oh yeah I guess we forgot to mention that."

I roll my eyes at his stupid teasing smirk.

"So the secretary wouldn't let me in."

He nods and looks around, "come on, there's nothing I can do so let's just go home."

I raise a brow, I really don't want to get into trouble.

"Is anyone else at home?"

He laughs slightly and shakes his head, "no so we are free to do whatever we want."

I nod and smile, "I guess going back won't be so bad."

He smiles and nods, "want to try?" He asks gesturing to his skateboard.

I shake my head, "no."

He smiles and shrugs, laughing as he skates off and I'm forced to chase after him.

Jogging to the house was a lot harder than I thought it would be, maybe I should join a sport if I can ever get into school.

That reminds me I should really look at the schools website so I can get a better understanding of the rules and regulations.

Prestigious schools always have a full list of rules and hopefully next time I go back, I will be prepared.

When we get to the house I go to my room, ash is to busy on his phone.

"Sophie?" Someone's voice comes through the door as a knock follows it.

I sigh and get up, opening the door to see Victor standing looking down at me.

"Oh..hey," I say slowly, I'm definitely in trouble.

To my surprise he doesn't seem angry, doesn't even raise his voice.

"I couldn't get into the school," I blurt out of nervousness.

He stays silent, raising an eyebrow.

I know I'm rambling but I can't help it, "I didn't have a uniform and the receptionist wouldn't let me come in."

"I didn't have any choice."

He sighs, "Sophie, it's ok."

"It is?" I ask dumbfounded, I thought Victor would be stricter.

He nods and clears his throat, "yeah I understand you don't know the rules in the school and it's all new."

"No one showed you or told you anything so I understand."

I nod and smile, more relived then anything that he understands.

"I was thinking, if your not comfortable around here. We could always call your father and maybe he can stay here for a few days."

I look at him confused, "you would let him?"

He nods and smiles, "of course he's your father and important in your life."

I nod and smile, I can't contain how happy that makes me. I definitely misjudged victor.

"Thank you." I say genuinely thankful and happy.

He nods, "of course, I'll grab a phone for you and you can just talk to him."

I smile and nod, "I'm sure the boys would love it too."

He nods again but before leaving, "also I'll make sure next time everything will be ready for you at school."

I nod and smile, "thank you I appreciate it all."

He nods again and walks out, I'm beginning to think he's not as scary or strict as I thought he would be.

I can't wait to call dad.

I can't wait to call dad

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