6 - Awkward

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So far dinner has been great, I haven't had the chance to speak, my brothers are playing nice and everyone is eating now.

Theirs no need for anymore conversations which I'm grateful for because all night Ash, I don't call him Asher anymore because he convicted me it's too formal.

We are family he said, so now I have to call him ash. I like him so far, he's been the only one overly friendly and been the only one to start conversations with everyone at the table.

I can't lie it's been a nice dinner, not what I was expecting but still pretty great.

Except... Hayes who keeps glancing at me, it's not creepy but more uncomfortable. It's like he sees right through me.

I hate when people stare at you, like they see something your unaware of. If I had the confidence I would ask him but I know better then to open my mouth.

I just pretend like I don't see him and keep eating.

"You've been quiet over their Sophie.." a voice says out of nowhere and I instantly shoot my head up looking around at the table till I meet Silas curious eyes.

I simply offer a shrug "I just- I don't have anything to talk about." I blush because that was the worst.

I feel a little embarrassed when again everyone stares at me, don't they have anything else to look at? Why does it have to be me?

Taylor speaks for me, "she's having a hard time with all of this..you know how young kids can be" he said as if I'm the one who doesn't like the idea of mom being married.

I look at him, wanting to correct it but he shoots me a eyebrow raise and that one look that has me cowering.

Zayn glares at him slightly, which surprises me.

"Why don't you let her speak for herself."

I watch in pure shock as they already start arguing, "why don't you mind your own business Zayn.."

I'm ready to interject but Victor beats me to it, "Zayn don't start this."

Zayns ready to protest when Victor shoots him a deadly look which is supposed to have an effect on Zayn but it makes me stare down and behave.

I'd hate to be on his bad side, it's no wonder the other boys stay silent and let their brother be scolded.

I'm afraid to say anything more as Taylor smiles a little, that is until our mom does the same to him.

"Taylor, why don't you apologize?"

My eyes widen slightly because I know unlike Zayn my brother won't back down, not to our mom, not to anyone. Hes a hot head who lets his emotions get to him.

"Sorry" he mutters softly as Zayn and him sit and still they glare at each other but no one utters another word.

"So back to Sophie, are you ok honey?" Our mom offers me a small smile and I returned it nodding, "yeah I'm fine."

"I'm happy for you two," I say as I didn't want my brothers to get me into trouble when in reality I just want mom to be happy and if Victor makes her happy then so be it.

So be it, if I get more brothers.

So what if I have to have a split home. I already knew my parents were never getting back together on the count that my dad is gay and my mom is a workaholic. Their very different people, and have very different values.

From what I can observe about Victor and his family is that they also value work, but also family.

Mom smiles and clears her throat slightly, it causes me to snap back to the present.

"So the whole point of this dinner was obviously for you guys to meet..but also to announce that we all are going to be living together." She announces around the table and my eyes widen almost out of my sockets.

"W-what?" Conner gulps and mumbles looking just has surprised but when I look to Taylor I see that he's fuming.

His fits are turning white on the fork he holds and unfortunately I'm not the only one who notices.

The whole table became quite and tense as my new step brothers face off with my biological brothers.

Oh no.

This is awkward for me.

"I already spoke to your father..and he thinks it's best that we reconnecte and all get to know each other as one big family" mom says being careful as her eyes are on Taylor, who grips his fork like a knife.

From beside her, Victor takes her hand on the table, clearing his throat.

"We will all be living together in our house in New York." He speaks firm not at all bothered with everyones surprised expressions, well except Silas who wears a unknown expression.

"All of us? In one house?" Ash mumbles looking more surprised then anyone as he glances at Taylor who grits his teeth.

"Must be a pretty big house," Taylor says under his breath.

Victor nods, "well yes we have a mansion."

I wasn't expecting that.

All of us!

In a mansion!

This is all crazy, how is this my life right now?

"But what about school?" Conner asks, not surprisingly he's calmer then Taylor.

Mom smiles, probably relived that it's the only question that comes up.

"You can transfer."

I sigh, when I have so many questions but theirs one that lingered more, "so we all are living together?"

Mom nods, "I think it would be a great way for all of us to bond."

I let out a breath and force my smile, "sounds like-"

Taylor snaps me off, "what about our dad?"

Narrowed eyes are throw from all the men, well except for victor, he hasn't showed any, it makes sense though, he's a dad of many sons not to mention his business.

His eyes never leave Taylors, like analyzing him.

"He has agreed," Mom explains, sounding a little stressed.

"Trust me when I say he wants us all to be closer.. become a real family."

I look between everyone, my eyes finally ending at the head of the table...

Victor's eyes crash into mine and I'm left wondering if we all could become a real family.

Victor's eyes crash into mine and I'm left wondering if we all could become a real family

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