13 - eavesdropping

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I laugh as my dad shows me the next slide of his new presentation he had made for the new math courses he was teaching, it's the one thing we loved to do together, learning and math.

"Dad you know there gonna fall asleep right?" I tease making him smile.

"Did you fall asleep?"

I smile and laugh slightly, "good point, but I'm a nerd as my new step brother says."

He smiles and nods, we were on face time so I can see our kitchen in the background same as before and I find myself wondering if he misses us yet.

"Are they giving you trouble?" He asks, making me sigh.

"No, I actually like hanging out with Asher but I don't really have anything in common with any of them."

"I'm just trying to keep my distance."

I sigh, not meaning to but I needed to vent and my mother is no where to be found.

"I bearly have anything in common with my other brothers."

He frowns slightly and he's not very good with technology so he titls his phone, "I wasn't gonna say anything but I did talk to Taylor and he said he was also trying to avoid everyone."

I raise a brow and nod, "I mean I understand that but shouldn't him and Conner and I be together in this, but I haven't seen anyone in a while."

He frowns and sighs, "I'm sorry Sophie but it will get better in time."

I nod, "yeah I know."

He smiles, "should I talk more about math?"

I laugh slightly, "no not even math problems will cheer me up."

He sighs but keeps his smile, "then what can I do to help cheer you up?"

My smile grows, "I'm glad you asked, I know it might be weird but would you please visit, I know it's late so maybe tomorrow or something?" I ask sounding a little to hopeful.

He nods, "I would love to but I have to get your mom's permission first."

I sigh and nod, "I miss you dad, I don't have anyone else to talk to."

"Don't worry Sophie, try to look on the bright side."

I shrug "okay I'll try."

He smiles and nods, "good." And just like that we are back on the topic of his classes, what he had for lunch and telling him about my day.

After another hour of talking he yawns, "I'm sorry honey but I should be getting to bed."

I nod and smile, "okay dad, I love you, goodnight."

"Goodnight honey."

Even after he hangs up, I find myself staring at the ceiling, wondering if the house will always be this quiet and empty.

I've never felt so....


I sigh and decide not to hide in my room for any longer, maybe it's about time I get some courage and make my mom talk to me.

It's the thing I've been avoiding but I need to get some things off my chest, get some questions answered.

I keep walking around looking for her room but it's no use the hallway goes on and on.

I beginning to think no one is home until I hear muffled voices and people moving, the closer I get the more I recognize the voice as Silas, and Hayes I think.

It's an unknown room to me, and I know I shouldn't ease drop but I hear one of them mention my mom and I can't help myself.

I peak through the door just enough to see all of my step brothers in the room, like there having there own little meeting.

Even ash wears a serious facial expression, it's weird seeing them all like this but the only way I can really know what there thinking is if I listen to what they're saying behind our backs.

"We all know this big family shit is a bunch of crap, Taylor is really getting on my nerves." I recognize Zayn's harsh tone right away.

"I understand that.. but it's not all bad," I hear ash mumble.

"Like..what?" Zayn's harsh words cut like a knife.

"I know Dad wants us to play nice but we bearly know any of them."

"And having a girl in the house is gonna be a disaster."

I hear Silas, deep voice "she's been locked in her room all the time, I'm not seeing the big issue."

Zayn sighs, "the big issue is the business, how are we meant to get anything done with them running around the house."

I hear a slight hum in someones voice but I can't hear who it is, "dad already got a handle on that, he talked to Marie I'm sure."

"What's that gonna do? She bearly knows them."

He says them like we're the enemy.

I finally hear Hayes, after being the silent one, "enough Zayn this is getting ridiculous, there already here, and it's done."

I slowly back away so I don't make any noise, I shouldn't be hearing this.

It's not my business as I walk away and go find my mom.

If I even want to call her that.

If I even want to call her that

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