5 - Dinner

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We sit at a big table, when I say big I mean really big because theirs going to be me plus my mom and 7 guys at this one table.

My brothers are beside me and my mom is closer to the head of the table, I didn't understand when she sat all the way over their but I guess it's because she wants to be close to her new husband.

Her new family, so theirs no room for her old one.

My brothers should win an award or something for how good their acting is, their both smiling and putting on a act for our mother, but I know when the others come it's going to be my worst nightmare.

I say mine because I hate conflict especially with people I don't know. I'm still unaware of how I will be acting, probably going to stay silent the whole dinner.

I haven't made up my mind yet.

My mother smiles looking to the door of the fancy restaurant, "oh their they are."

I turn my head the other side to look but I quickly notice I'm not the only one. All the heads in the restaurant are looking, four older men come in first while the rest trail behind, capturing the attention of the whole room.

The thing that captures my attention the most is their expensive jewelry and suits, they look like they just got out of work, while the other younger looking ones have just as fancy jewels, on there knuckles and necks.

I can only gulp when I make eye contact with I can only assume the father. The man my mother is married to.

We make eye contact for only a moment but it's enough to get me shaken, he is..


I can't help it, it's the only word that comes to mind.

My brothers better be rethinking their plans.

"Sorry we're late," he says and comes to sit at the head of the table beside my mother, giving her a kiss on the forehead. It's a simple gesture and yet I'm so surprised by it.

My father and mother, when they were together they were never affectionate like that.

I bearly even saw them hug. Maybe, this marriage won't be a bad thing. This could be the thing that finally makes my mom happy with her life.

I'm probably starting like a creep because they both look at me, "you must be Sophie?" He asks and I nod.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Victor and these are my son's," I'm surprised when he offers me a smile it's bearly their but I know it's there.

I smile and nod, "it's nice to meet you too."

When I look around the table everyone is sat and all eyes are on me. Including my own brothers as I introduced myself to the whole table "i-i mean it's nice to meet all of you.." I say and silently stutter, not liking the attention.

I take a quick sip of the water glass in front of me as everyone goes around the table, intruducing themselves.

"I'm Silas, the oldest at 24," he says as he looks to the whole table and stopping at me, it causes me to gulp, as I observe him it's easy to know he's the oldest, looking just like Victor but with an alluring vibe to him.

"Heyes, I'm 22," the next one says as my eyes go down the table. He had the same features as them but the only difference is the look in his eyes, they pierce through my soul and unlike with Victor he offers no smile.

"Zayn and I'm 19," he smirks and when I look to him, I'm surprised to find him eyeing Taylor and only Taylor.

"I'm asher but people call me ash, and I'm the favorite." The youngest out of all of them states smiling and after he greets my mother and brothers he smiles wider at me.

Zayn who sits on the other side of him nudges his side, "oh and I'm 16" Asher states quickly.

I smile politely back because he seems nice and his brothers seem..ok I guess.

It could be worse.

"I'm Conner, 19" my brother says as he clears his throat and my attention snaps back to the other side of the table, back to my own brothers.

"Taylor 17," my brooding brother says, his tone slightly deeper then normal and it's a signal to me that he's intimidated by the others at the table.

I don't blame him, one false move from me and I'm pretty sure they all could snap me in half with their pinkies. The worst part is they probably know it too.

"Well I'm glad we could all be here..." Victor speaks up as we all stay silent and give him our undivided attention.

"As a family."


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