Under water

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Days passed and Draco refused to talk to me. I see him a lot because we're in the same group but he won't even look at me.

Today was the day I wanted to talk to him. After breakfast Daph and Blaise went to our next lesson, Charms. That means they would leave me and Draco alone at breakfast. We sat there in silence and as he finished his breakfast I decided to speak.

"Draco, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you anymore. You were right. I do like you because you're my friend." I smiled when he finally looked at me. "And it was foolish to think you would take me to the ball. Please accept it before my father comes up to our table."

Draco hesitated, nodded and left the great hall without a response or apology.


I jumped up from my seat and faced my father. Great, now he knows that Draco and I were fighting. I fixed my robe and smiled up at him. The Slytherin table went quiet looking at us both.

"Come with me." I followed him outside the hall and further up to Dumbledore's office. I entered the office and saw a smiling Albus sitting on his chair.

"Hi fawkes." I said petting his phoenix. I went over to his desks and sat down.

"Did you enjoy the Yule Ball, my dear?" Albus asked. "Harry Potter was indeed a great choice. That was probably the reason you specifically asked for a red dress?" I heard ny father gag behind me and ignored that.

I nodded and he smiled even brighter. "As you know the second task is going to be today and I need you for that."

"Me?" I asked confused pointing at myself.

"Don't worry you won't even know what happened."

"What do you-" I stopped mid sentence before everything went black.


Draco's Pov

Where is she?

Today was the second task of the tournament and I hoped for Astoria to sit with me. I know I left her at breakfast but I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell her I'm sorry now but she's not here.

"Have you seen Astoria somewhere?" I asked Blaise and Daphne.

They both shook their head. "We haven't seen her since breakfast but I heard she left with her father."

I looked around and found my least favourite boy trying to get on an boat. I rushed towards him and pulled him aside. "Where the fuck is Astoria, Potter?!"

He looked at me furious and pushed me back. "I don't know! I haven't seen her the whole day.

I grabbed his jacket and pulled him towards me. "I swear to god if it's got something to do with your task and you don't save her, I'm going to beat the magic out of you." I growled and let him go, going back to my friends.

My fear became bigger when I saw where the boats were heading to. The task was under water.

I placed myself next to Crabbe and Goyle pushing the first year away to have a better look.

"Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions!" Dumbledore spoke. "A treasure of sort. These four treasures one for each champion now lie on the bottom of that lake."

Astoria is on the bottom of that fucking lake?

I watched Potter choking on something and as the canon went on everyone jumped in. "That stupid scar face!" I groaned and went down to have a better view.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. I looked at the clock. 10 minutes c'mon Potter.

Cedric was the first to come up followed by Krum. The blonde girl was already here after a few minutes.

Suddenly I saw two heads come up. It was Astoria and a small blonde girl. I rushed towards the edge as she swam towards us helping the litte girl.

"Snape!" I yelled and held out my hand. She shook her head. "Help her first please." I sighed and helped the girl up first then grabbed Astoria carefully up. I snatched a towel from a student and wrapped it around her. She was freezing and her lips were blue already.
I hugged her tightly not caring if my robe would get wet. I kissed her temple a few times and grabbed her face to look at me. "I'm so sorry to Astoria. I really like you too and I was a fool to not ask you to the ball. If I did you wouldn't be freezing right here."

She smiled and nodded hugging me tighter. I helped her up as her father came by to check on her.

"Malfoy why are you standing around? Get her to her dorm and let her change into warm clothes!" Snape yelled at me and pushed me forwards with Astoria.

"Dad! Don't yell at him!"

"I'm not! And if you watch my daughter change I will let you clean the whole castle without magic!"

I nodded in fear and immediately took her back to the castle down to our common room. We passed the  door and went up to her dorm.

"Maybe you should take a warm bath." I asked her and led her to the bathroom. She nodded and I sat her down and left the room.

"Draco?" She called quietly.

"Yes, love?"

"C-can you stay with me please? I don't want to be alone."

I gulped and hesitated first, remembering what her father said. I sighed and entered the bathroom. She sat already in the tub as the water was still filling it up. I went up to her and sat down leaning against the tub not facing her to make her uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Draco."

"Everything for you, love."


Even tho I'm not single I really feel like I'm single now.

Miss Riddle - Salazar's Descendant (A Draco Malfoy story)Where stories live. Discover now