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"Good Evening children" My godfather raised his voice. "Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

"Thank god" Draco muttered and I ignored his comment and listened to Dumbledore.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Dolores Umbridge."

I looked over to Severus' seat and saw an old lady sitting next to him in all pink. "Gosh, she looks like a toad."

"I know her. She worked at the ministry." Draco told me. "Father likes her."

"That means she's full of shit" Blaise commented.

"I mean look at her! I bet she owns hundreds of cats!" Daph exclaimed.

Suddenly Umbridge let out a sound that sounded like a knive scratching over a plate. I furrowed my brows as she began to walk over to Dumbledore.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind of words of welcome." She interrupted and took the place infront of him. "And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smile up at me."
Daphne gagged and looked away. While Draco seemed to be interested by her speech.

"The ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young wizards and witches to be of vital importance." She said with such a confidence. "Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school."

After her horrific speech she sat back down and let Dumbledore continue his speech. "Can't believe that Dumbledore let her work here!" Daphne exclaimed.

"The ministry can't do this! They're sticking their nose in Hogwarts for what?" Blaise joined.

"Hope she isn't that bad like her speech was." I replied


"Draco stop sleeping!" I grabbed his robe and shook him around. He groaned and raised his head. "You're unbelievable!"

"I'm just so tired I-"

"Good evening children"

Draco shut down and we looked back at Professor Umbridge who stood behind us with a mischievous grin.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations." She wrote down on the board with her wand. "Also called OWL's." She then began handled out books for every student.

"There nothing in here how to use spells?" I whispered to Draco.

Hermione raised her hand and repeated what I just said. "There's nothing in her about using defensive spells?"

"Using spells?" Umbridge let out a high laugh. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"We're not gonna use magic?" I asked loudly.

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way." She replied in her fake sweet voice.

"What use it that?" Harry cut her off. "If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free."

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class!"

Nobody raised their hands. Umbridge smiled and continued speaking. "It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which, after all, is what school is about."

I raised my hand and didn't wait for her to pick me. "That's not making sense because school is supposed to teach us things which will help us later AFTER school. It's not only about exams."

"I haven't allowed you to speak, Miss Riddle. Yes I know exactly who you are. It's a shame the ministry didn't put you under control yet!"

„Astoria is right! How's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry added.

„There's nothing out there, dear." said Umbridge. „Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

„Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort."

I widened my eyes at Harrys sudden words and shot him a what-the-fuck glare.

Professor Umbridge's smile faded and she slowly walked up to us. „Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. is. A. Lie."

Harry furrowed his brows. „It's not a lie. I saw him. Astoria saw him. We fought him!"

„Miss Riddle is just having father issues which made her dreaming about her father!"

„What the hell?!" I yelled at her.

„So Cedric Diggory just dropped dead of his own accord?" Harry yelled at her too.

„Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident-"

"Yeah just like your birth!" I yelled.

"It was murder! Voldemort killed him!"

Draco grabbed my arm and tried to held me down. "Astoria dont-"

I brushed him off and continued yelling at her. I pulled up my sleeve and showed her the scar on my arm. "This scar? Peter Pettigrew cut into mine and Harry's arm for Voldemort. Did you really think Harry and I sliced ourselves up for fun?!"

"ENOUGH!" Umbridge voice cut me off and the whole class fell silent. "Mr. Potter, Miss Riddle. In my office, later.

I sat back down and played with my bracelet. Draco grabbed my hand and stroked the back of it. "Please, don't get into trouble with her."

"She's a bitch!" I whispered.

"I know, Astoria. I know."

Miss Riddle - Salazar's Descendant (A Draco Malfoy story)Where stories live. Discover now