There you are (I.N)

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Ashlee in this (or you)

Ashlee in this (or you)

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Jeongin in this

Jeongin in this

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Ashlee's POV:

I'm waiting in the restaurant on my phone waiting for Jeongin to get here, he planned this all but he had a schedule that he forgot about but he said he should be done by now. Right when I'm about to put my phone down I get a text saying that he was on his way.

A smile forms on my face before responding with an okay. The owner walks up to me and refills my cup with a smile, "is he coming hunny?" She asks knowing our situation. We've been coming to this restaurant since we started dating so she knows the struggles we go through to get some time together.

"Yea he's on his way" I say with a smile making her clap her hands together "I'll get your usuals all prepped" she says with a huge smile on her face before she waddles back to the kitchen to get everything that we usually order.

I grab my phone but as soon as I do I hear the door open making me glance in that direction, there I see Jeongin standing there he takes his mask off and makes his way over to me before pulling me in for a kiss.

"Hi baby" he says quietly making me smile into the kiss before he leans back to take a seat across from me, "sorry to keep you waiting" he says while taking a sip from the water I ordered for him. "It's okay" I say while grabbing his hand.

The owner walks out with a tray of what we usually order, "hi hunny" she says while she's walking up to the table and placing it down before giving Jeongin a hug and squeezing his cheeks.

"I'm glad you came hunny! I was worried that Ashlee would be alone for dinner and we all know she can't eat all of the normal order" she says while taking me making me falsely pout. "Oh you know I love you" she says while squeezing my cheeks as well as I make eye contact with Jeongin who has a smile planted on his face.

"Well I'm going to leave you to it guys, enjoy" she says before waddling off letting us start cooking out food. "How was your schedule babe" I ask while he puts the meat on the grill, "it was good" he says while gazing into my eyes.

He puts the tongs down and leans his head against his hand, "how did I get someone like you baby? You're so gorgeous" he says softly making me blush at the random compliment.

I look down making him reach over the table to grab my chin, "I'm serious love, I seriously am in awe of how pretty you are" he says making me thank him with a blush as I take a sip of water to distract myself making him chuckle.

Once we finish eating together the owner comes back with a slice of cake making us look at her confused, "it's the anniversary of when you guys first came here! I thought it would be cute to give you guys this" she says making me tear up a little bit.

"That's so sweet" I say while standing up to give her a hug, I've known her since I moved here at the age of 13 so she takes care of me real good. "Anything for you guys, now you go home and relax yea?" She says as we pull apart as I nod.

Jeongin grabs my hand as we leave the restaurant, he puts his mask on before we start making our way to my apartment. "Thank you for being so understanding love" he says while rubbing circles in my hand making me squeeze it.

"Why wouldn't I be" I ask while looking over at him, "you do things for people you love! And doing what you do makes you happy so I'm happy" I respond before bringing our hands up to place a kiss on his. I see that he starts tearing up a big making me stop where I am I wipe the fallen tears that were on his cheek up, "My sweet boy" I mumble before bringing him into my embraces

"I love you so so much, and I'm sorry about how hectic being with me is and I usually feel like shit because I couldn't even be with you on your birthday or Christmas or anything and I feel so bad about it" he starts rambling making me massage the back of his neck know that it calms him down.

"Let's get home yea? Then we can cuddle and watch movies and get some ice cream okay?" I ask while pulling away from him a bit as he nods his head and wipes his eyes. Seeing him like this makes tears come to my eyes, I know he feels so bad about not being able to see me as much as he'd like too but he doesn't get that I fully understand. He hears it he just doesn't register it fully sometimes and it leads to times like this.

When we get into the apartment I immediately drag him into the bedroom and grab the remote before we cuddle up to watch movies, "just know baby, anything that you love I love! So if you love being in Stray kids I love that too okay? Don't ever think I'd be upset at you for doing what you love okay?" I state and he hides his face in my neck and nods. We finish the night with some ice cream and watching funny clips on YouTube before we eventually fall asleep in each others arms.

Word count : 960

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Word count : 960

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