Chapiter 3: Shadows and Tea: An Unexpected Connection

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After regretting his words on that night, Wangji had assumed that his harshness would finally dissuade Wei Ying from attempting to befriend him. He couldn't recall when he started to refer to Wei Wuxian as Wei Ying, even in his own thoughts, but it had become more natural over time. Observing Wei Ying's persistent efforts, despite his own unresponsiveness, warmed his heart. No one had shown such determination before, and though Wangji concealed his feelings well, he was not untouched by this persistence.

Over the years, Wangji had grown accustomed to his solitude, rarely encountering anyone beyond his duties as the Sandman. Except for a few disciples residing in the Cloud Recesses under his uncle's guidance, he rarely interacted with others. However, it would be a falsehood to claim that he did not, in some way, appreciate Wei Ying's consistent visits. Wangji never lied.

If he believed that his coldness and stubbornness in refusing company would discourage Wei Ying, he was sorely mistaken. Wei Ying had mastered the art of scaling the walls of the Cloud Recesses, and now Wangji found him perched on the wall at all hours when he returned from his duties. Wei Ying simply sat there, smiling and waving at Wangji each time he noticed him. It wasn't until the 33rd night that he attempted to initiate a conversation.

On that particular night, beneath the full moon's glow, Wangji returned home exhausted from hours of lectures delivered by his uncle on appropriate behaviors and rules. To say he was fatigued would be an understatement; all he desired was to lie down and rest. Unfortunately, Wei Ying had chosen to be more talkative that night. As Wangji did his utmost to ignore his presence, Wei Ying continued to shout his name vigorously.

"Lan Zhan!!! Hey !!! Hello!!"

With a deep breath, Wangji turned toward Wei Ying, his expression stoic but tinged with a hint of irritation. "Wei Ying, it's late. I need rest."

Undeterred by Wangji's weariness, Wei Ying hopped down from the wall and approached him with a playful grin.

"Late? Lan Zhan, the night is still young! And you know, the moon and the night are at their liveliest when they're together!"

Wangji couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at Wei Ying's dramatic proclamation. "What are you talking about, Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying's grin widened as he gestured to the full moon above. "The moon, Lan Zhan! It's beautiful tonight. We should enjoy it together."

"You cannot persist in scaling my walls and invading my realm to admire the moon," Wangji declared, his voice heavy with the weariness accumulated from countless nights disrupted by Wei Wuxian's presence.

With a playful chuckle and a mischievous glint in his eyes, Wei Wuxian responded, "Oh, come now, Lan Zhan. Life is simply more intriguing with a dash of company. Besides, I'm not just anyone; I am the God of Night, can't I admire the beautiful moon?"

Wangji's grip on his sword tightened, his resolve unwavering. He sighed, realizing that Wei Ying was in no mood to relent. He had a feeling that ignoring him wouldn't work this time.

"You're so shameless!"

The moon hung high above them, casting its serene light upon the garden where they stood. Wei Ying smiled and spoke up.

"Lan Zhan, what will I do with you? Tell me, if you hate me that much, be honest with me, and I'll never bother you again! But if it's not the case, please let's talk calmly for a bit."

With a silent nod, Wangji gave his permission. Wei Ying followed suit, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The tension that had once defined the air had dissipated, leaving behind an unspoken acknowledgment of their shared fatigue.

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