Chapter 33: The Storm Within

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Hi everyone! Here's another chapter. I haven't had time to proofread it at least once, so I hope it's readable and understandable. Enjoy!


The stillness of the living room embraced Wangji as he settled into its quiet, familiar warmth. Outside, evening descended, casting long shadows across the space, but the lingering heat from his tea kept the room from feeling cold. It calmed him in ways he hadn't expected, his body, now relaxed, felt lighter—freed from the tension he hadn't even realized he was carrying. The soothing warmth softened the tight edges of his mind, allowing him to breathe more easily.

His gaze drifted toward the room he had left, where Wei Ying had stayed without a word. A flicker of concern stirred within Wangji. Had Wei Ying been angry? A knot of worry twisted in his chest. Did I hurt him by not lying down with him? The question gnawed at him, growing in weight as he recalled the unsettling visit from Hel and her cryptic proposal.

Wangji's heart ached at the thought of Wei Ying, alone, burdened by recent conversations that still echoed between them. What if he feels abandoned? The guilt churned within him. He had wanted space to think, to untangle the complexities of their past and the uncertain road ahead. But had his need for solitude driven a wedge between them when he so often said they should fight everything together?

Slowly, he rose from the couch, leaving behind the fleeting comfort it offered. His bare feet padded across the wooden floor, each step resonating in the stillness. He paused before the door separating them, steadying himself. He needed to approach Wei Ying with the care and patience that had long defined their bond.

As Wangji crossed the threshold, the soft glow of the room revealed Wei Ying's face, serene but touched by the shadows of lingering thoughts. He sat cross-legged by the window, lost in contemplation. A forgotten cup of tea sat on the table beside him, steam rising lazily in the air. Wei Ying had never cared for tea, yet the small gesture of leaving it untouched spoke volumes.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said, his voice pulling Wangji from his thoughts. His eyes widened slightly with surprise. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

The tension in Wangji's chest eased a little at the sound of his name. "I was worried about you," he admitted, his voice gentle but tinged with concern.

Wei Ying smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm fine. Just thinking." He glanced at the tea and shrugged lightly. "I didn't clean it up yet. It's still warm—I put a heating charm on it. I thought you might want another cup."

The simple, earnest words tugged at Wangji's heart, but the shadow of sadness in Wei Ying's gaze stirred a deeper sense of urgency. "I don't want you to feel alone," he said, stepping closer. "Thank you for the tea... I should have stayed with you."

Wei Ying shook his head, the faint smile faltering. "You needed space, Lan Zhan. I get it. But I was hoping... we could face this together."

The quiet admission hit Wangji with unexpected force. He knelt beside Wei Ying, their knees touching in a gentle, unspoken connection. "I want that too," Wangji whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "I'm still learning to trust again... to heal, with you."

A brief silence followed, thick with the weight of everything unsaid. Wei Ying's expression softened, "Do you think you can?"

Wangji nodded, his resolve firm. "I must."

Wei Ying tilted his head slightly, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "May I?"

Wangji nodded again, though he wasn't entirely sure what Wei Ying was asking for. But the uncertainty vanished when Wei Ying rested his head gently on Wangji's shoulder. The simple act was as comforting as it was profound, and Wangji felt the tension draining from his body as warmth spread through him.

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