Chapter 30 - In the Light of Forgiveness

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Returning to his body was excruciating. Every muscle throbbed, and Wangji didn't dare open his eyes. The world around him felt distant, muffled voices filtering through the haze of pain. He couldn't make out the words at first, but as his consciousness slowly adjusted, the sounds became clearer. One voice, in particular, stood out—Sizhui's. There was a sharp edge to it, a tension that Wangji had rarely heard in his son before.

"...I won't say you don't deserve him because that would actually hurt Dad more than you! But I am so angry at you!"

Wangji's heart tightened. Who was Sizhui talking to with such emotion? He strained to hear, waiting for the other person to respond.

Jingyi's voice followed, calmer, yet laced with concern. "We should hear his side of the story, Sizhui. He did save us, after all. Don't you think?"

Relief washed over Wangji. Someone had indeed come to their aid. In his weakened state, he knew he wouldn't have survived the battle alone. Forcing his way out of the seclusion Odin had imposed on him had drained him more than he had anticipated. The fact that someone had stepped in, ensuring Sizhui and Jingyi's safety, eased a fraction of the weight that had settled heavily on his chest.

As the voices continued around him, Wangji hadn't yet opened his eyes, but he felt the fog in his mind slowly lifting. The familiar warmth of Sizhui's voice cut through the haze.

"Fine, but later. I need to see how Dad is doing."

Footsteps approached his bedside, and Wangji felt a gentle hand on his shoulder—a touch so familiar and comforting that it grounded him. Slowly, he forced his eyes open, blinking against the dim light that filled the room.

Sizhui was leaning over him, his expression a blend of concern and barely contained frustration. Jingyi stood beside him, his usual carefree demeanor overshadowed by worry. Sizhui's hands moved carefully over his father's meridians, checking for any damage to his core.

"Dad?" Sizhui's voice was softer now, the anger from moments ago tempered by relief. "How do you feel?"

Wangji tried to speak, but his throat was dry, and the words wouldn't come. He managed a slight nod, acknowledging Sizhui's presence. His gaze shifted past his son, searching for the person who had saved them—the one Sizhui had been so angry with.

At the edge of the room stood Wei Ying. His posture was hesitant, and his eyes were filled with emotions Wangji couldn't quite read. It had been so long since they'd last seen each other, and Wangji's heart soared at the sight of him. He wanted to reach out, to hold Wei Ying close and never let him go again. Despite the years and the pain, seeing him here brought Wangji a deep, undeniable sense of joy.

Wei Ying took a cautious step forward. "Lan Zhan... I—"

Before he could continue, Sizhui interrupted, his voice tight with emotion. "Why didn't you come sooner? Do you know what he's been through? What we've been through?" His voice wavered with a mix of hurt and anger. "You ran away, baba. You left us! You hurt him so badly..." The last sentence was spoken so softly that Wangji wasn't sure he had heard it correctly. He squeezed his son's hand gently, wanting to offer comfort despite his own weariness.

Wei Ying looked stricken, his eyes flickering between Sizhui and Wangji. "I'm sorry," he began, his voice hoarse. "I... there are things you don't understand, things I couldn't explain... It hurt me too, you know? Leaving... but I had to protect you both. It wasn't the best choice, I know that, but at the time... it was all I could think to do."

Sizhui's anger simmered just below the surface, his voice trembling as he spoke. "You thought leaving us behind was to protect us? from what? Do you know how many nights I heard him call out for you? How many times he tried to be strong for me, when he was breaking inside?"

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