Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1. Kella

If you're reading this, you probably know how most stories go.

The main character is perfect, saves the world, probably rises up from a dark beginning to be the light in the world.

Yeah, yeah, they have a love interest, probably a love triangle,  and a family and are famous and cool and all that.

But that's not really me.

I am not your everyday typical main character. 

In fact, maybe I'm the villain of this story. 

I sat curled next to the windowsill, tracing the cold raindrops sticking to the glass. My fingertips traced the shape of the raindrops. I felt like I was up in the sky, in this beautiful apartment, the only nice thing about deserted, disgusting Ocean Shores, the most suspicious place you could possibly be in. The houses across were broken with shattered glass and taped-up walls like a crime scene. The rain glistened against the color of the crusty wood, so far away yet so close. 

I traced my reflection, pale skin, long sleek pale blonde hair, dark eyes, loads and loads of freckles, plentiful curves. My oversized hoodie glaring into the dim glass. 

"Kella, do you need anything?"

My attention snapped to one of my adoptive fathers, Greg. His bald head was shiny and his black beard stuck to his brown skin. He looked like he just spent an hour arguing with Carolina, my older sister, and knowing Carolina, he probably did. He always joked about how she was 'your typical teen' and although she was nearing her end of teenage years, I had to agree.

"No, I'm fine." I whispered, tearing my eyes away from the glass. "I..... hate this place."

"Me and Dylan do too." he put an arm around me. "I heard Dylan's making pasta. Maybe you can take a walk. I mean, this place can't be all suspicious, can it?"

Um, yeah, it can be and it is. But I gave Greg the satisfaction of a small smile and an, "Maybe." He grinned and got up, satisfied, although his forehead was still wrinkled with concern. 

I decided to take Greg's suggestion and walk outside. I slipped on my yellow boots because although it's usually a sketchy beach town, at the time it was a cold, sketchy beach town. The rubber of my soles echoed onto the steps of this nothing house in this nothing town. 

The door creaked open and I inspected the city. From afar, it looked broken-down- and well, it was that way close-up too. I breathed in the cold air, glad to have a break, being claustrophobic as I am. The neon yellow words WELCOME TO OCEAN SHORES bored into my brain. It was raining, raining, raining, the cold air soaking me, water droplets glistening on my hair. If you've ever heard the expression 'it was raining cats and dogs' you should know that this was more like raining whales and orcas. 

A strange whisper sounded in the distance, almost like a high-pitched laugh. I shuddered and walked towards the town.

Our apartment was on the side of the town, one of the only places in town that didn't look like it belonged in a mystery novel. It was mostly glass, and fairly clean also. Everything else was dusty. Deserted. I guess I was supposed to feel grateful, but I only felt like I was cut off from the rest of the world.

I wrapped my arms around me.

I didn't choose this town.

The rain stung my eyes.  I brushed my hair out of my face. and walked towards the shops. 

The rain, lack of people, and strange atmosphere gave me the chills.

I buried my head in my arms as the rain fell down. It was like a horror story, my life, unfolding like a novel, pages, pages, burning, ripping, until my life, I, am just nothing. 

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and jerked up, twisting the hand around like I'd learned in Kung-Fu.  

Looking up, I saw my victim was an older woman, shaking her hand and examining the bone. "Well, Miss, you certainly know to break a poor old woman's hand." she chuckled. 

I flushed, pale skin going nearly white. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I guess I just have strong reflexes." I hunched over, cold rain chilling me from head to toe. 

"It's alright, sweetheart. Are you new? I know everybody here, but I've never met you." she winked at me.

"I'm Kella. Kella Ravenwood. Yeah, I'm new."

"Where do you live?"

I gestured in the distance. "The apartments up there. Me, my sister, and my dads just moved."

Her face brightened up, dark irises illuminating into the hazy sky. "Oh, Dylan and Greg Nakamura-Foster! They made me some great food the other day. Had to say, it was excellent."

I beamed at her compliment. "I know, Dylan makes the best food."

She winked. "I run the ice cream place here. Good to know that there's some good food to compliment my delicious ice cream!"

"I'd love to try the ice cream some time." I was warming up to her, a sun in this bleak sky. A force, pulling me towards her joy, even if I had no joy of my own. 

She smiled at me and placed something in my palm. "Just for you, Kella. I can tell that you're a special girl."

I felt a sharp pain in my hand and I opened up my palm to see a locket. Old metal, rusty, triangular with sharp, cutting edges. A small dot of blood rested next to a corner. I wiped it on my leggings and slipped the locket over my head. The metal felt strangely light and cold against my skin. I fingered it. "Thank you." I whispered, my voice barely audible over the wind. She smiled and left. I walked back home.

Opening up the door, I saw a paper lying there, on the doormat, soaked with rain but still readable. Addressed to Mr. Greg Nakamura-Foster and Mr. Dylan Nakamura-Foster. I opened it up and stared with disbelief at the handwriting, curly, looped, perfect spelling. 

Dear Mr. Greg Nakamura-Foster and Mr. Dylan Nakamura-Foster, guardians of Miss Kella Isabelle Ravenwood and Miss Carolina Everest Ravenwood,

I am pleased to announce that Miss Kella and Miss Carolina have been granted a scholarship into Highwater Preparatory Academy Boarding School for the Young Children of Ocean Shores, or Highwater Prep as we prefer to call it.

Highwater Prep is an elitist boarding school for the most brilliant of young students, and both Kella and Carolina have gotten exceptional grades and displayed magnificent knowledge that  is key to the selection of our students. School starts on Tuesday, September 2, so if you choose to accept the scholarship please have both of them come prepared with backpacks, and notebooks for all classes. 

Please remember that Highwater is a place like no other, so we would be thrilled if Kella and Carolina become part of our community. 

Thank you for your time,

Headmisstress Rahni Porter

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