Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9. Kella

"Full name?"

"Kella Shoshana Ravenwood."



I shifted in my seat, eyes still bloodshot, even though I had not had a lot of time to cry.  I could not believe that they were so heartless, thinking that I would have killed my sister.  Ayelet Charlotte Ravenwood. My mom died. My dad died. Ayelet then died. Why was this happening to me? 

I had shot Judas. Or, I thought I did. The moment happened too fast. The shock had still not settled quite in. 

"Why did you shoot the victims?"

"I did not shoot them. I shot nobody. Where is your evidence of this." My fists were tightened, nails digging into my palm. 

"We watched as you shot the victims. One of them including Ayelet Ravenwood, your supposed younger sister."

"That was not me. I will not and will never shoot Ayelet." I crossed my arms defiantly and raised an eyebrow.  The policewoman sighed and set down her paper.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, the dark-skinned woman spoke up "This is getting nowhere. Come with me. You'll get your picture taken." She ushered me down the station hallway towards where pictures were taken. She, with her gorgeous cornrows, shoved me in front of the camera and placed one of those police things with numbers on it into my freckled hands. It was just like in the movies, but a lot less dramatic. It didn't feel all special to be here. It felt anger-sparking, knowing that these people thought that I would have killed my sister and my friends. 

I watched as the bright light flashed in front of my face, face flat, expression as dark as a neutral face could be. Eve and Mariah shuffled in next to me, Eve looking positively murderous- although that was not really a change. Mariah  had a more mellow expression, but it had a cold, paranoid edge, like she had been here before. Between her scars and her secrets, I would not be surprised if she had been here before. Her eyes were also very bloodshot around the rims, probably from all the crying she had done earlier. I had long suspected that Mariah had had a crush on her roommate, and their last romantic encounter sent the ship sailing far into the ocean, even if Amilie had been swept away by the waves.

After the picture taken, we had been led down into the juvenile cells. They were packed, with many girls banging on the bars, or giving up, laying down on the small cement beds placed inside the juvies. 

Dareth and Erik had been separated from us to go to the 'boys section', which the policeman leading them had proclaimed was 'nicer' than the girls section. 

We were shoved inside a cell that already had 3 girls in it. It was very small for the amount of people in there- just one little bed with what was barely a sheet on it, a little bathroom that, by the smell, had not been cleaned in a long time, and a little stool made of wood that would probably crack under my weight. 

The other girls sat, turned away from us.  I approached them. "I'm Kella." Might as well make some friends, I assumed. 

The first girl turned. She had probably once been a bit athletic, with a toned figure, despite being short. She had short black wavy hair and bright, stunning blue eyes, and a plethora of freckles on her saddened face. Her eyes scanned us, and she turned back. 

"I'm Julie, and that's Lydia." The second girl, gently elbowing the first girl piped up. She had a pretty face framed with  dark hair and delicate eyelashes. "This is Alia." She pointed to the final girl next to us. Alia's hair was set in two braids and her face had a mellow smile.

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