Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Kella 

When I returned to my dorm, I took a nice, long, shower. The kind of shower that was turned up to the hottest in rage. The fire water dripped down my back in fat drips, illuminating against my pale skin.  The water was like death in liquid form, pouring upon me. 

My hands reached for the shower valve and twisted it off. I stepped out into the foggy air and wrapped a towel around myself.

I quickly changed. In the realization I had no of my favorite hoodies left, I put on a knitted sweater (That was Carolina's, obviously) and a pair of jeans. I swept my hair up into a loose bun and tried to forget those gray eyes

Startlingly grey, they had embedded themselves into my mind. Others may have thought that it was just another person with eyes like his, but no. Those eyes were so distinctive, and not just that. The face shape, the chiseled jaw that was always twitching. That birthmark, right under his left eye. The face of a demon. 

I tried to brush the image off of my mind by walking outside the dorm and staring into space, but it didn't work. 

nothing worked when it came to him.

My feet grazed over something soft and slightly wet. I looked down to see a magazine. Folded, with spots of water, but still readable.

Three dead, five missing in Washington's costal city Ocean Shores

By Ana John Pretor

Last night, three residents of Ocean Shores were murdered brutally and found dead on the beach. Five more have been presumed missing. Mayor Jon Martin has refused to be interviewed for this subject, although we are working on setting up an interview with a member of his board.

The deceased, Alina Rolfe, Karina Nguyen, and Declyn Solace, have all shared one thing. They all worked at Red Genie Pizza, a small but delicious pizza company in the middle of the town.

I folded the paper, anger flaring in me. What is it with Ocean Shores? We moved here, thinking that it would be better. A new place for new experiences. But it was even worse than before. 

I had missed part of study hall, but I really didn't care.  I did have loads of homework, but the only thing on my mind was the murders. 


The days passed by. Science with Mr. Keys was slightly enjoyable, because although he was older and hard to understand sometimes, he taught very interesting things.  Technology was also pretty good. Ms. Abdalla was not afraid to criticize our work, which is something you don't see a lot in teachers, and I appreciated that. 

English with Mr. Thatcher was also pretty good. Mr. Thatcher was funny and always brightened the mood. He insisted we call him Charlie, even though nobody ever did. 

Math was by far the best class. Ms. Whitt, although strict, was a great teacher. I had always loved math, and I loved it even more now.  Math class made me forget all the murders and fear in the best way possible. Ms. Whitt had even smiled at me, for the first time, the other day, and made a joke.

Art with Mr. Reese was defiantly not my favorite class. Let's just say that my artistic talent was about as good as a 5-year-old child's artistic talent. The only upside was that Mr. Reese always gave out candy at the end. However, as I did have a little bit of musical talent, Orchestra with Ms. Bass wasn't horrible.  

History with Mr. Fairview was fun. He taught it in a unique way, so even people who hated history liked him. 

Finally P.E. After the incident involving a certain grey-eyed demon murderer, I had learned that he was an intruder, most likely coming for me. The actually P.E. teacher, Ms. O'Connell, was much nicer. 

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