Chapter 15

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Chapter 15. Kella

As the first rays of dawn pierced the thick veil of darkness, casting a warm glow across the sleeping landscape, I reluctantly extricated myself from the cozy nest I had crafted amidst the tangled mess of blankets on our shared desk. The desk itself, a sturdy wooden table that had been a part of this very room since its inception, stood tall against the far wall, its surface littered with the detritus of our daily lives: discarded textbooks, crumpled papers, and half-empty cups of cold coffee. The air was crisp and clean, with the faint fragrance of blossoming flowers and the promise of another day dawning anew.

I stretched my arms above my head, feeling the familiar ache in my muscles as I did so. The night before had been particularly taxing, emotionally and intellectually, as I had worked tirelessly on the heap of schoolwork due- oh, and we also almost got stabbed. The weight of that burden now seemed to lift slightly as I took in the peaceful scene before me, the serene silence broken only by the chirping of birds and the distant hum of traffic from the nearby highway. It was then that I turned to face Eve, my eyes meeting hers across the room

She was still fast asleep, her head resting on her folded arms, which in turn were propped up on the plump pillow. Her long, dark hair spilled across the surface like a waterfall of ebony, and her features were still pale from lack of sleep. But there was something about her peaceful expression that was oddly comforting, and for a moment, I found myself wishing I could just stay there, nestled in the quiet solitude of the early morning, with nothing but her presence to keep me company.

Eve then abruptly jolted upright from her slumber, her eyes wild with panic. "I completely forgot about the final English assessment today!" She threw off the threadbare quilt that covered her and winced as the cold air hit her bare skin. "Oh, this is just wonderful," she muttered under her breath. "Just. Perfect."

Glaring at me with a mix of annoyance and desperation, she demanded, "Ravenwood! Get your lazy ass out of that chair and help me! We don't have much time before class starts!" Her cat-like onyx eyes darted around the messy bedroom, taking in the scattered textbooks, half-eaten snacks, and discarded clothing that littered the floor. "We're going to be late!" she shrieked.

I could feel my heart racing as I slowly sat up in my chair, the weight of my duvet pressing down on me. "Okay, okay," I said, trying to sound calm. "I'm up. Just give me a second to wake up properly." I stretched lazily, yawning extensively, as Eve continued to pace back and forth across the room, her agitation growing more palpable by the second.

She hurried into the bathroom, and with a flurry of movement, whipped out a pair of luxurious black fishnets from her vanity drawer. As she clamored around, her tone was anything but calm or collected. "Kella, I'm not in the mood for this," she practically growled. "Just get ready!" I sighed, feeling a pang of sympathy for Eve. Although it may not have been apparent to her, I did care very much about her, and I was also rather worried about our English assignment. 

She threw on the fishnets, carefully ensuring the delicate fabric draped enticingly over her ample curves, then added a red jean skirt, a black Victoria's Secret crop top, and a pair of knee-high black leather boots. With a huff, she glanced at her phone and cursed under her breath. "Well? Let's go!" she exclaimed impatiently. The clock read 10:50. She let out another stream of creative cusses, her normally flawless makeup barely masking her growing frustration. "We already fucking missed Science, Tech, and breakfast!"

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