Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3. Kella

Rough parchment grazed my hands. I flicked pale hair out of my eyes and gazed over the paper in my hands.

Monday Schedule- Kella Shoshana Ravenwood- 11th Grade- Semester 1

7:00 a.m.- Wake up

8:00 a.m.- Eat breakfast

9:00 a.m.- Science

10:00 a.m.- Technology

11:00 a.m.- English

12:00 a.m.- Math

1:00 p.m.- Lunch

2:00 p.m.- Art

3:00 p.m.- Orchestra

4:00 p.m.- History

5:00 p.m.- P.E. 

6:00 p.m.- Study Hall

7:00 p.m.- Dinner

8:00 p.m.- Free time

10:00 p.m.- Lights out

I folded the grainy parchment paper in half and then folded it again. The rough, sandpaper-ish feeling cut into my skin like a cat's tongue. My schedule ran much longer than I was used to back in London before we moved to Ocean Shores and got caught in this mess. Plus, my dads would never let me stay up until 10:00, and knowing Eve, we would be staying up much longer. 

 We were getting along better than I had thought, as I didn't disrupt her, and she didn't disrupt me. Other than the kids I met last night, maybe 15-20 others were in our grade. It was small, like Ocean Shores.  The other students seemed like classic 'elitist prep' students- rich, jerky, and not fans of me. I had caught a girl at breakfast staring down at my hand-me-down hoodie, ripped jeans, and freckles that covered my nose from top-to-bottom. She had turned her perfect nose up at me and stalked away to her chattering friends. 

I still had frequent nightmares. The world seems to be shrouded in a perpetual gloom. Every step I took felt like a burden; the air was thick with a sense of despair. It was hard to see a way out of the darkness.

I walked to my first class, which- according to my schedule- was science. The teacher, Mr. Keys, was a bored old man who had a hacking cough but taught me lots of interesting things that I never would have learned back in a private school in London. 

After science, the day sped up like fire, the flames getting faster and higher. I went to technology, English, math, and all my other classes without being noticed by a single one of my classmates and finally it was my last class. 


I had always been fairly athletic, but gym class was where I drew the line. At least the locker rooms were nice. Back in England, the locker rooms were nonexistent. I swept my hair into a high ponytail, which looked awkward on me, and took my hoodie off. I was curvier than my classmates and always had been, which was why I generally tried to avoid taking my hoodie off. My t-shirt suctioned to my skin, which didn't exactly feel nice, but I self-consciously walked out of the locker room into the gym. 

Some of the other kids stared at me, but I kept my head down and ignored it. My hurried footsteps against the pavement tiles echoed into the distance. 

When I arrived in the middle of the gym, everybody was crouched around something- or somebody. There were screams and cries. I tore through the crowd. "God, what's wrong?"

"Him!" A boy whimpered, clutching onto the shirt of a girl a whole head shorter than him. He pointed to below him. "Somebody needs to call 911!"

I looked down and my mouth dropped open.

A body lay on the ground. Not dead yet, but not fully alive. . His hair was matted and blood stained the blonde into a reddish. The most disturbing part was his arm. It was twisted in a grotesque angle, his sleeve ripped and scars tracing down his arm. 

And when I looked up at his face, I was pulled into an abundance of nightmares. 

His tanned skin was darker than it had been a year, but his eyes remained the same. Cold, bloodred at the edges, that grey tone that had haunted me for years. 




Five months after my parents death. Me and Carolina sit in the police station, her arms around mine, tears streaming down my face.

The police draggged away a man that calmly walked with them.

Blonde hair.



And the last thing I saw before he was dragged away was his eyes.


Not a blue-ish grey.

A cold grey with black roots, the type that can bore into your brain.

And on that day, it sure as hell bore into mine.

And haunted me for the rest of my life


This is my first A/N, and I thought I should introduce myself! You can call me Lydia, and I'm an avid writer, although I'm new to Wattpad. Most of my writing is murder mystery/horror, but this particular story is more paranormal than either of those. I hope you enjoy my story! Also please do the Question of the day!!

Also, we are at 10 votes!! Hooray!! I'm so happy and I thank all of you for so much love on my story.  Please vote on this chapter if you liked my story! Also, since I have ten votes, I'll be posting an extra special little bonus thing. Make sure to like this if you want more bonus content!

Question of the day- What do you think about Kella? What are your first impressions of her?


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