▪︎ Chapter 1 ; Morning ▪︎

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Joe woke up with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes and smilled gleefully. Rushing over to his vanity and hurrying to comb his balding head, Biden couldn't help but giggle. Somebody knocked on his door and Joe turned to look. "Mr President, Are you awake?," the voice said, followed by another knock. "Yes, I am awake. Give me a moment to get ready!"

  You see, Joe had a very important meeting today. He was meeting with the former president, who also happened to be his crush, Donald j. Trump. Everything about Donald was perfect to him ; His wrinkly orange skin, his fake blonde hair, and especially their shared hate for the British. Joe put on his best suit, and was greeted at his bedroom door by his body guard. They began their journey to the presidential meeting.

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