• Chapter 18 ; Eureka! •

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The presidents were fed up at this point. This was the third presidential meeting, and they were tired. Abraham Lincoln explained the entire situation, and the men began to brainstorm.
They all had one big question, why did he need that oil?

"Maybe trump has a car collection?"
"Maybe trump IS a car?"
"No, trump is the Lorax"
"Perchance he should be on my strange addiction"

"Or perhaps..."

The presidents turned to look at Theodore Roosevelt, aka Teddy. "What if, He needs the oil to... go back to where he came from?"

Then, it clicked.

Trump was an illegal alien, he needed oil desperately, and was attempting to make Biden betray the world. Betray the world why? Because it wasn't his.

"Eureka!" Truman said. "Never say that corny shit again or I will touch you vro," Nixon said. He continued, "Trump needs to go back to space."

"WAIT," Biden yelled. "I never told anyone this, but I stalked Trumpy. He's been visiting the pentagon recently. Do you think... his spaceship might be there?"

"Well. There's only one way to find out, to the Batmobile!" Ronald Reagan exclaimed.

Many presidents decided to go home for plot convenience, they weren't needed anymore. The Whitehouse was put into lockdown, under close watch of the FBI.

There was only one problem left. The Batmobile had 4 seats, but there were 7 of them. Abrababe offered to stay behind. He needed to keep watch of the whitehouse, only he had mastered the power of the eighth amendment. He'd be able to keep the building safe. George Dumpyton and Ronald Reagan rock paper scissored for who drove. Dumptyton ended up winning, so Reagan would stay behind.

  Now, it was between Biden, Obama, Nixon, and Truman. Biden sighed. Everybody else was needed. Nixon had the plans, Truman had the smarts, and Obama had the power of the 1st amendment, and Biden was just there. "I'll stay behind," Biden sighed. "Biden you can't. You're the only one who Trump will listen to."

  The presidents were at a loss, until Truman spoke up.

  "This is embarrassing but... you may have to sit on someone's lap."

♡ Presidential Feelings • Biden × Trump × Obama ♡Where stories live. Discover now