Chapter 2

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Cadence's POV
Ugh. Why is it so bright? I don't care if my eyes are closed right now; I feel like shit. Like absolute garbage. I haven't felt this way since I've gotten wasted with Tonya once. So what? I mean I have gotten drunk a few times anyways to numb the pain my parents have inflicted. No big deal.

Feeling like I couldn't lift my body, I continued laying down on whatever I'm in. What happened? I know I passed out, but I can't remember...

I slowly opened my eyelids and saw something dangling above my head. Carefully, I poked at it but became alarmed by it beginning to spin around. Subtle music started to play, but it's not the kind of music I have ever listened to. Instead, it was more something that would put a baby to sleep.

Using little strength, I allowed myself to sit up. Bars were surrounding me, and I finally came to my senses, realizing I'm not in a cage but a crib.

I brought my fingers to my lips, feeling something was in my mouth. I took the rubbery object out and examined it. A pacifier?! The fuck? I chucked it across the room, confused of why it was in my mouth.

I looked around the room to see I'm not even in my room at home. This room reminded me of something that an infant would sleep in. There was a rocking chair in the corner with a pink and yellow fluffy blanket sprawled over it. A pastel pink rug was in the center of the floor, and a variety of toys like stuffed animals and blocks were spread out on it. The walls were painted with fairy designs and forest animals, but they did look dope, if I'm being honest. When I turned to my left, I noticed a large looking table in the other corner with products that I can't really make out. that a changing table? It looked like it would fit me.

I brushed a few strands of my hair out of my face, and something patterned caught my attention. I raised my arms to notice purple, white and pink striped sleeves were covering them. Glancing down, I gasped. I'm no longer in my work attire but in a soft fabric of a pajama onesie. A crinkling sound from underneath me made me jump. I didn't even have to check to see it's a diaper.

I closed my eyes to think for a moment and attempted to remember anything that happened. Able to process a slight detail, I blinked a few times. I was taken. No! No! I have to get the hell out of here!

I didn't hesitate to try to climb over the crib. I stood up, but the crib's bars were nearly my height, entrapping me. I made an effort to raise my leg over one of them.

"Guys, I know I heard noises. She could be awake now," I heard a distant voice say. Footsteps were approaching from I think a staircase. Not one pair, but it sounded like many. Crap! God, please don't let me die. Please. Please. Please.

Acting fast, I laid back in the crib, closing my eyes. Maybe, if I pretended to be asleep, then they would leave, and I could buy myself more time to escape somehow. But I don't know who I'm dealing with. They could be sex traffickers for all I know. I don't want to find out.

I heard rattling of keys, unlocking the door, then more footsteps coming near. My heart began to race, increasing as the men began chattering, "I know she has to be awake by now." "I saw movement from the monitor." Monitor? Shit! I can't blow my cover.

Suddenly, I felt one of them grasp my hand slightly, giving it a nudge, but the action made me flinch. I quickly tried to remain silent and play it off by pretending to roll over onto my other side and snuggle into the pillow my head was resting on.

"Awww," a different voice cooed. How many of them are there?! God, help me please. "I think she's waking up," another voice stated, but this time it sounded more Irish. AM I OUT OF THE COUNTRY?!

"Come on, darling. Wake up," a pair of arms lifted me up from the crib.

"NOOOO! NO! NO!" I screamed frantically, blowing my cover and finally opening my eyes. I attempted to kick and hit the person who had me in their grasp. I flailed and tried unwrapping the pair of arms that were holding me.

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