Chapter 7

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Tw: mention of self harm, suicidal thoughts and s

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Tw: mention of self harm, suicidal thoughts and s.a. Please read at your own risk!

Louis's POV
I sighed as I sat at the kitchen table, rubbing my forehead and sipping my beer. I couldn't believe what just happened. Cadence....smoking. How am I supposed to process this?

Sure, I know Cadence has had a rough life, pretty much having to rear herself. Guess she fell into the wrong crowd. The boys and I are aware of her school records, attempted arrests and street fights. All we are wanting to do with her is show her a good life and love her. Just wish she could understand that.

I fiddled with the pack of cigarettes in my hands then opened the box. Two cigarettes were missing. I have to admit the girl does know what she's doing.

I wanted to go on a walk to clear my head, but I know I can't leave while the lads are still away. I've been debating on calling them and sharing the details of Cadence's actions, but I decided to wait and tell them when they get home. After all, I don't want all five of us scolding Cadence at once.

I finally stood up, knowing I should go check on Cadence. I've left her by herself, and I'm just hoping she fell asleep. Don't girls normally do that after an argument or something? Fingers crossed she's only asleep.

I went back to my room and carefully cracked the door, not wanting to disturb her in case she did go to sleep. I walked in quietly but didn't see her!

"Cadence?" I spoke, knocking on my loo door. Maybe, she just went in there to cry. "Cadence," I tried again, after receiving no answer the first time. At this point, my mind was beginning to panic, thinking did I seriously lose her. "Cadence, love? Are you in there? If so, then can we please talk?" I asked tenderly and tried twisting the knob. I became startled by the door being unlocked, so I opened it.

"CADENCE?!" I called out, revealing she wasn't in my loo. "Cadence, where are you?" I searched behind my shower curtain, underneath my sink and any cabinet, but she wasn't there. I walked back into my bedroom. "Cadence, this isn't funny. I don't want to play hide and seek," I said, in case she was simply hiding from me. "Just come on out," I looked underneath my bed.

I continued to search my closet, thinking she is hiding in a pile of clothes. After all, she's tiny and my dirty laundry pile isn't. "Cadence Jay, come on. We're not playing," I stated, beginning to slightly lose my patience.

I shivered from how cold it was. I don't remember leaving my window op—"fucking hell," I swore, rubbing my face and then running over to the window and sticking my head out. "Cadence!" I hollered but couldn't see her in sight.

I didn't hesitate to take the jump, landing flat on my feet. It's a good thing I work out at the gym. "Cadence, where are you?!" I began searching the whole vicinity. Fuck! I can't lose her. We can't lose her.

I ran pretty much everywhere I could possibly think of. Surely, she couldn't have gone too far. But seriously, who the hell left the alarms off?! I know in this situation, no one is to blame, but the main priority is to find her. "Cadence Jay!" I searched for probably over an hour.

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