Chapter 4

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Cadence's POV
"Cadence, come back!" Liam hollered, running after me.

"No!" I screamed, running away from the guys. "I don't wanna go!" I sprinted down the hallway, although my options of outrunning them were becoming slim. That didn't mean I was going to give up.

"Baby girl, listen, please," Niall tried catching me, but I dodged his attempt by cutting corners and bolting down the staircase.

"Cadence, come on. Just listen. It's not what you think. You misheard us," Liam stated, leaning out to grab me.

"No! You guys can't make me!" I shouted, diving in between his legs, like how a baseball player dives for a home run, and quickly getting up. I ran to a hallway and entered into a room I was unfamiliar with.

"Cadence Jay, don't go in there," Louis spoke sternly, but I was already in their office. I knew I was about to be in trouble, because he exposed my middle name. I didn't care; I was more concerned on how I was going to get out of this situation. Unfortunately, I trapped myself by coming in here to where they could easily block the entrance now.

My next idea was a lousy one, but I still made the effort. I rushed over to the nearest window and attempted to get it open. Before I could even get my body out, a pair of arms pulled me away. "No! Please!" I screamed, afraid from the sudden action.

I attempted to run again but was caught by Zayn. "Shhh. Shh. Darling, you're okay," he held me high in the air, so I couldn't reach the ground.

I did the next best thing I could think of and kicked him straight in the nuts. This caused him to grunt in pain, grabbing his area and dropping me. "Fuck!"

"Ow!" I cried out, as I landed on my back, but I quickly rose up to run out of the room. I couldn't escape, because Harry and Niall blocked the door, both with their arms folded and giving me angry glares.

"Cadence Jay! What on earth has gotten into you?!" Harry shouted, proving to me just how pissed I made him (and probably the rest of the boys). I couldn't help but flinch when he raised his voice. He immediately noticed, because he sighed and rubbed his chin, "look, I'm sorry."

"No! You're not sorry! None of you guys care enough to understand! I don't want to see a doctor, so please just let me be!" I shouted, squirming around in Zayn's grasp, but it was useless. I know you guys may wonder why it's okay for me to yell but when other people do, it terrifies me. Well, truth is I've learned the wrong things from my parents, such as yelling, but at the same time, loud noises can startle me due to the mental abuse I endured.

"Cadence, look at me," Liam started to say, but I refused to look at him. I was shaking, scared out of my mind. "Shh. Breathe, love. Just look at me," he placed his hands on my shoulders then directed my face to look him in the eyes, "it's okay. You're okay."

I took a few breaths like how him and Zayn were showing me. After several minutes, I finally calmed down but still was frightened.

"Now, will you please just listen, baby, and let us explain to you what's going on?" Niall asked me, making sure him and the boys had my full attention.

Louis handed me Glee, and I took her into my arms, hugging her tightly. This made the boys changed their expressions and instantly awe at me, which I didn't understand why. I just stood in front of them, rocking on my heels.

"Darling, we're having a doctor COME HERE," Louis emphasized, kneeling to my level.

"No!" I shook my head frantically. I brushed a strand of my hair out of my face. "I don't want to see a doctor. They're scary," I whined and fidgeted with Glee, because she was the only thing keeping me calm right now.

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