Chapter 8

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Cadence's POVI've been laying in the crib for probably the past hour or so

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Cadence's POV
I've been laying in the crib for probably the past hour or so. Really, I don't know how long, but definitely long enough for the sun to be creeping in through the blinds.

The boys and I have made a few agreements. I continue to try this age thing or whatever, and they give me more time to be alone. I don't mind it, because I just think about my past.'s actually a bad thing.

For instance, I've been thinking about how I got into drugs. It was several months ago, when I started talking to a boy from my school. His older brother was in a gang and had access to meth. I wanted it.

And because I did, I even agreed to give him pleasure. The first time we met up was at a football game behind the bleachers. He gave me the drugs, and in return I sat on his lap the whole game like his fuckin arm candy. Never again. We learn the hard way, don't we?

I'm so bored right now. I have the urge to play music and dance around. I love just about any music from Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Madonna, to Sia, Coldplay and Little Mix. Oh! And we can't forget Arctic Monkeys. I would love to see them in concert...except I can't.

This is my life now. With these five young adult boys. It is what it is.

After being bored for several more minutes, I finally decided I'll attempt climbing out of the crib. I raised one leg over, lifted my other and fell to the ground. "Fuck," I groaned.

I was about to turn the knob but realized it was locked. How stupid could I be? I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and realized it was only a pair instead of all five of them. Still, I hurriedly jumped back into the crib and pretended to be asleep.

The sound of the door unlocking alarmed my ears. Not even a second later, footsteps approached the crib. "Cadence, I know you're not asleep. One, because of the difference of your breathing. And two, because Daddy Li (I changed the naming system) saw your movements from the monitor," Niall stated.

I decided to give up the act and opened my eyes to look at him. "Baby, please don't try to climb out of your crib. None of us want you to get hurt," he pouted. "Understand?" He kissed the top of my head, and I nodded in response, even though I wasn't promising anything.

"Good girl. Now are you ready to eat lunch?" He placed his hands underneath my armpits, easily lifted me out of the crib and stood me on my feet.

"Lunch?" I looked at him confused. I have no sense of time anymore. Maybe, they've done that on purpose. Oh for sure.

"Mhmm. The lads and I decided to let you sleep as long as you want. We're trying to do better at giving you more space," he explained, taking my hand and leading me out of the nursery.

I didn't say anything but was eager to eat. I was also happy that I was being able to walk instead of being carried. That just comes to show that they're trying for me, and I do appreciate that.

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